Annamalai University Question Papers Previous Years QPs
Q.P Code: 5611
Register Number:
Name of the Candidate:
B.Com./B.B.A./B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION December 2014
(PART – I)
(New Regulations / Old Regulations)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions. (5 × 20 = 100)
1. What is Insurance? Explain its principles.
2. What do you mean by Marine Insurance? Explain the various types of marine insurance policies.
3. Explain the objectives and need for life assurance.
4. Distinguish between Insurance and Assurance.
5. Distinguish between Nomination and Assignment.
6. What is assignment? Explain the procedure relating to Assignment.
7. Explain the various clauses of Marine Policies.
8. Explain the warranties in a contract of Marine Insurance.
9. What is Fire Insurance? Explain its important principles.
10. Discuss the various kinds of Fire Insurance.
Q.P Code: 5611
Register Number:
Name of the Candidate:
B.Com./B.B.A./B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION December 2014
(PART – I)
(New Regulations / Old Regulations)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions. (5 × 20 = 100)
1. What is Insurance? Explain its principles.
2. What do you mean by Marine Insurance? Explain the various types of marine insurance policies.
3. Explain the objectives and need for life assurance.
4. Distinguish between Insurance and Assurance.
5. Distinguish between Nomination and Assignment.
6. What is assignment? Explain the procedure relating to Assignment.
7. Explain the various clauses of Marine Policies.
8. Explain the warranties in a contract of Marine Insurance.
9. What is Fire Insurance? Explain its important principles.
10. Discuss the various kinds of Fire Insurance.
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