University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Subject : Advertising and sales promotion
Year of Question Paper : 2013
Advertising and sales promotion
(Common for Model-I& Model –II Degree Programme)
(2009 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours Maximum
weightage: 25
Answers may be written either in English or in Malayalam.
This section consists of four bunches of four questions each.
Each bunch carries a weight of 1.
Answer all questions.
Choose the correct answer from the choices given:
1. Which of the following is an indoor advertising media?
(a)Posters (b) Electrical signs (c)Print media (d) Posters
2. _________ focuses on "communicating the benefits or problem-solution
(a)Advertising Appeals (b) Advertising Strategy (c) Advertising Campaign (d) Advertising Research
3. PACT means:
a) Performance Advertising Copy Testing
b) Product Advertising Copy Testing
c) Programme Analysis Campaign Testing
d) Positioning Advertising Copy Testing
4. Sales force going to the customers is called __________
(a) Inside selling (b) Personal campaign
(c ) Outside selling (d)Sales management
Fill in the blanks
5. The direct and personal communication of information to persuade the
potential customer to buy the product is ____________
6. Market analysis is an essential step in___________
7. Keen observation is a mental quality of a good _________
8. ___________is designed to promote the sale or reputation of a particular product/brand.
State whether the following are true or false:-
9. Sales promotion is not an important component of a promotion campaigning programme.
10. Personal selling plays an effective role when the product enjoys no brand loyalty.
11. Advertising strategy & advertising budget is not directly influenced by the competitor's strategy.
12. An advertising appeal is the device by which specific consumer response is solicited in the advertisement.
Match the following:-
13. Direct Advertising Media - Prospecting
14. Budget - Catalogues
15. Media selection - Affordability
16. Selling process - Advertising budget
Answer any five questions in one or two sentences each.
Each question carries a weight of 1.
17 What is media research?
18 What do you understand by sales management?
19 Define advertisements?
20 What is mean by USP?
21 What is sales promotion?
22 Define advertising appeal?
23 Mention any two objectives of sales training?
24 What are the economic importance of advertisement?
Section C
Answer any four questions in not exceeding one page each. Each question carries a weight of 2.
25 What are advertising objectives?
26 Differentiate between campaign & advertising?
27 What is sales management cycle?
28 In what respect the role of advertising agency is changing with changing technology?
29 What are the qualities of a good sales person?
30 Enumerate various objectives of sales management?
Section D
Answer any two questions. Each question carries a weight of 4
31 What methods are available for copy testing?
32 Discuss the legal & ethical aspect of advertising?
33 Explain the scope & different methods of sales promotion?
(2x4=8) ...
Subject : Advertising and sales promotion
Year of Question Paper : 2013
Advertising and sales promotion
(Common for Model-I& Model –II Degree Programme)
(2009 Admission onwards)
Time: Three Hours Maximum
weightage: 25
Answers may be written either in English or in Malayalam.
This section consists of four bunches of four questions each.
Each bunch carries a weight of 1.
Answer all questions.
Choose the correct answer from the choices given:
1. Which of the following is an indoor advertising media?
(a)Posters (b) Electrical signs (c)Print media (d) Posters
2. _________ focuses on "communicating the benefits or problem-solution
(a)Advertising Appeals (b) Advertising Strategy (c) Advertising Campaign (d) Advertising Research
3. PACT means:
a) Performance Advertising Copy Testing
b) Product Advertising Copy Testing
c) Programme Analysis Campaign Testing
d) Positioning Advertising Copy Testing
4. Sales force going to the customers is called __________
(a) Inside selling (b) Personal campaign
(c ) Outside selling (d)Sales management
Fill in the blanks
5. The direct and personal communication of information to persuade the
potential customer to buy the product is ____________
6. Market analysis is an essential step in___________
7. Keen observation is a mental quality of a good _________
8. ___________is designed to promote the sale or reputation of a particular product/brand.
State whether the following are true or false:-
9. Sales promotion is not an important component of a promotion campaigning programme.
10. Personal selling plays an effective role when the product enjoys no brand loyalty.
11. Advertising strategy & advertising budget is not directly influenced by the competitor's strategy.
12. An advertising appeal is the device by which specific consumer response is solicited in the advertisement.
Match the following:-
13. Direct Advertising Media - Prospecting
14. Budget - Catalogues
15. Media selection - Affordability
16. Selling process - Advertising budget
Answer any five questions in one or two sentences each.
Each question carries a weight of 1.
17 What is media research?
18 What do you understand by sales management?
19 Define advertisements?
20 What is mean by USP?
21 What is sales promotion?
22 Define advertising appeal?
23 Mention any two objectives of sales training?
24 What are the economic importance of advertisement?
Section C
Answer any four questions in not exceeding one page each. Each question carries a weight of 2.
25 What are advertising objectives?
26 Differentiate between campaign & advertising?
27 What is sales management cycle?
28 In what respect the role of advertising agency is changing with changing technology?
29 What are the qualities of a good sales person?
30 Enumerate various objectives of sales management?
Section D
Answer any two questions. Each question carries a weight of 4
31 What methods are available for copy testing?
32 Discuss the legal & ethical aspect of advertising?
33 Explain the scope & different methods of sales promotion?
(2x4=8) ...
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