University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Course: B.Sc Botany
Subject : Microbiology
Year of Question Paper : 2012
Third Semester
B.Sc. Botany and Biotechnology (Double Main)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Weight: 25
Part A
Answer all questions.
Weight I each for a bunch of four.
Bunch I
1. The image will be darker than the background around it in:
(a) Light microscopy (b) Fluorescent microscopy.
(c) Dark field microscopy. (d) TEM.
2. Peptidoglycan is present in:
(a) Gram +ve bacteria. (b) Gram —ye bacteria.
(c) Virus. (d) Fungi.
3. Sterilization by a course of three periods of bailing at 100°C for 30 minutes at daily intervals is called:
(a) Tyndallization. (b) Pasteurization.
(c) Filteration. (d) Radiation.
4. Pigment bearing membranous structure in photosynthetic bacteria is called:
(a) Chioroplast. (b) Chromoplast.
(c) Chromatophores. (d) Leucoplast.
5. The process of ATP synthesis at the expense of protonmotive force is called:
(a) Exosmosis. (b) Endosmosis.
(c) Chemiosmosis. (d) Diffusion.
6. Hot air oven is used for:
(a) Dry heat sterilization. (b) Moist heat sterilization.
(c) Chemical sterilization. (d) Radiation sterilization
7. Movement of bacteria toward or away from chemical stimuli is called:
(a) Chemotaxis (b) Photo taxis.
(c) Hydrotaxis. (d) Nastic movement.
8. The bacterium that carries the prophage is said to be:
(a) Lysogenic. (b) Pathogenic.
(c) Virulent. (d) Prophage.
9. Humulin is produced by:
(a) Bacteria. (b) Fungi.
(c) Algae. (d) Virus.
10. Sterilization by steam under pressure is carried out at temperature between:
(a) 108° C and 147° C.cZ (b) 160° C and 168° C.
(c) 98° C and 108° C. (d) 1600 C and 190° C.
11. Which of the following enzyme is thought to be useful for detergent manufacture?
(a) Amylase. (b) Protease. .../
(c) Rennet. (d) Lactase.
12. Mac Conkeys medium is an example of:
(a) Differential medium. (b) Indicator medium.
(c) Selective medium. (d) Enriched medium.
13. Five kingdom classification was proposed by:
(a) R.H. Wbittaker. (b) T.H. Morgan.
(c) Jacques Monod. (d) Haeckel.
14. One of the following is a biopesticide:
(a) Bacillus thuringjensjs (b) Bacillus megatherjum.
(c) Rhizobjum. (d) Azotobacter.
15. Which of the radiation is ionisable?
(a) Infra-red. (b) Ultra-violet.
(c) Gamma. (d) Visible.
16. The fungus used as a weedicjde:
(a) Phytoththora palmivora. (b) Rhizopus.
(c) Pythium. (d) Agaricus.(4 x 1= 4)
Part B
Answer any five questions.
Weight 4 each.
17. What is glycocalyx?
18. What is dark field microscopy?
19. What is the function of cotton plug in Microbiology?
20. What is infusion broth?
21. What is spheroplast?
2 2. Explain the structure and function of flagella.
23. W'natareprions?
24. Explain lysogeny.(5 x 1 5)
Part C
Answer any four questions.
Weight 2 each.
25. Write notes on biofuels?
26. Explain microencapsulation techniques.
2'7. What are the major bacterial antibiotics?
28. Describe Plackett-Burman design.
29. Explain the structure of viruses.
3O. What are antiviral drugs ? Give examples.(4 x 2 = 8)
Answer any two questions.
Weight 4 each.
31. Explain the structure and types of bioreactors.
32. Describe the economic importance of microbes.
33. What are the different methods to classify bacteria?(2 x 4= 8)
Course: B.Sc Botany
Subject : Microbiology
Year of Question Paper : 2012
Third Semester
B.Sc. Botany and Biotechnology (Double Main)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Weight: 25
Part A
Answer all questions.
Weight I each for a bunch of four.
Bunch I
1. The image will be darker than the background around it in:
(a) Light microscopy (b) Fluorescent microscopy.
(c) Dark field microscopy. (d) TEM.
2. Peptidoglycan is present in:
(a) Gram +ve bacteria. (b) Gram —ye bacteria.
(c) Virus. (d) Fungi.
3. Sterilization by a course of three periods of bailing at 100°C for 30 minutes at daily intervals is called:
(a) Tyndallization. (b) Pasteurization.
(c) Filteration. (d) Radiation.
4. Pigment bearing membranous structure in photosynthetic bacteria is called:
(a) Chioroplast. (b) Chromoplast.
(c) Chromatophores. (d) Leucoplast.
5. The process of ATP synthesis at the expense of protonmotive force is called:
(a) Exosmosis. (b) Endosmosis.
(c) Chemiosmosis. (d) Diffusion.
6. Hot air oven is used for:
(a) Dry heat sterilization. (b) Moist heat sterilization.
(c) Chemical sterilization. (d) Radiation sterilization
7. Movement of bacteria toward or away from chemical stimuli is called:
(a) Chemotaxis (b) Photo taxis.
(c) Hydrotaxis. (d) Nastic movement.
8. The bacterium that carries the prophage is said to be:
(a) Lysogenic. (b) Pathogenic.
(c) Virulent. (d) Prophage.
9. Humulin is produced by:
(a) Bacteria. (b) Fungi.
(c) Algae. (d) Virus.
10. Sterilization by steam under pressure is carried out at temperature between:
(a) 108° C and 147° C.cZ (b) 160° C and 168° C.
(c) 98° C and 108° C. (d) 1600 C and 190° C.
11. Which of the following enzyme is thought to be useful for detergent manufacture?
(a) Amylase. (b) Protease. .../
(c) Rennet. (d) Lactase.
12. Mac Conkeys medium is an example of:
(a) Differential medium. (b) Indicator medium.
(c) Selective medium. (d) Enriched medium.
13. Five kingdom classification was proposed by:
(a) R.H. Wbittaker. (b) T.H. Morgan.
(c) Jacques Monod. (d) Haeckel.
14. One of the following is a biopesticide:
(a) Bacillus thuringjensjs (b) Bacillus megatherjum.
(c) Rhizobjum. (d) Azotobacter.
15. Which of the radiation is ionisable?
(a) Infra-red. (b) Ultra-violet.
(c) Gamma. (d) Visible.
16. The fungus used as a weedicjde:
(a) Phytoththora palmivora. (b) Rhizopus.
(c) Pythium. (d) Agaricus.(4 x 1= 4)
Part B
Answer any five questions.
Weight 4 each.
17. What is glycocalyx?
18. What is dark field microscopy?
19. What is the function of cotton plug in Microbiology?
20. What is infusion broth?
21. What is spheroplast?
2 2. Explain the structure and function of flagella.
23. W'natareprions?
24. Explain lysogeny.(5 x 1 5)
Part C
Answer any four questions.
Weight 2 each.
25. Write notes on biofuels?
26. Explain microencapsulation techniques.
2'7. What are the major bacterial antibiotics?
28. Describe Plackett-Burman design.
29. Explain the structure of viruses.
3O. What are antiviral drugs ? Give examples.(4 x 2 = 8)
Answer any two questions.
Weight 4 each.
31. Explain the structure and types of bioreactors.
32. Describe the economic importance of microbes.
33. What are the different methods to classify bacteria?(2 x 4= 8)
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