Friday, July 10, 2015

Mahatma Gandhi University B.Sc Botany Microbiology third semester examination November 2011 Question paper

University:  Mahatma Gandhi University
Course:  B.Sc
Subject : Botany Microbiology
Year of  Question Paper : 2013

Third Semester
B.Sc. Botany and Biotechnology (Double Main)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Weight: 25

Part A
(Objective type — weight 1 each for a bunch)
Answer all questions

1. Apical cell theory was proposed by
a) Schimdt b) Hanstein c) Nageli d) Schuepp
2. Commercial cork is formed by the deposition of
a) Cutin b) Suberin c) Cellulose d) Lignin
3. The cortex from stele is delimited by
a) Epidermis b) Hypodermis c) Endodermis d) Pericycle
4. The nature of primary endosperm nucleus is
a) Monoploid b) Diploid c) Triploid d) Polyploid

Match the following

5. Nuclear endosperm - Cork
6. Phellum - Coconut
7. Polyembryony - Cork cambium
8. Phellogen - Citrus

State True or False

9. Mesarch xylem is commonly found in ferns.
10. Vascular cambium in stem is both primary and secondary in origin.
11. Complex tissue is homogenous in origin.
12. Formation of embryo from an unfertilized egg is called apogamy.

Fill in the blanks

13. Casparian strips are characteristic feature of …………………
14. The vessels with ladder like thickenings on their wall are …………………
15. The bundles of Calcium oxalate crystals are called ………………
16. Double fertilization was discovered by …………………..

Turn over

Part B

(Short answer questions — weight 1 each)

Answer any five of the following

17. Define dendrochronology.
18. What are bulliform cells?
19. The central part of the stem is dark in colour. Why?
20. How do you differentiate a monocot root from a dicot root?
21. What are laticifers?
22. What are lenticels?
23. What is tapetum ? What are its types?
24. Differentiate between dicliny and dichogamy.

Part C
(Short essay questions — weight 2 each)

Answer any four of the following

25. Describe different types of stomata in dicots.
26. What is wood ? Differentiate between hard wood and soft wood.
27. Describe different types of vascular bundles.
28. Explain Tunica-corpus theory.
29. Describe different types of embryosacs.
30. Write short notes on physiology and biochemistry of sexual incompatibility.

(Essay type questions — weight 4 each)

Answer any two of the following

31. Describe the normal secondary growth found in dicot stems.
32. Classify meristems explaining their role, origin and activity.
33. Describe the secondary growth in Dracaena stem.
34. Describe apomixis and its different types.
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