Friday, July 10, 2015

Mahatma Gandhi University B.Sc Computer Science Database Management Systems Question Paper 2013

University:  Mahatma Gandhi University
Course:  B.Sc Computer Science
Subject :  Database Management Systems
Year of  Question Paper : 2013

B.Sc Computer Science Examination 2013
Third Semester
C303 T Database Management Systems
Time: 3 hrs Max.Marks: 75

Part A
(Answer any five questions. Each question carries three marks)

1. What do you mean by a database?

2. What are entities? Give examples?

3. What is hashing? Explain.

4. What is functional dependency? Give an example.

5. Mention the ACID properties of transaction?

6. What do you mean by data fragmentation in distributed systems?

Part B
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks)

7. What is data independence? Describe its different types?

8. What is an E-R diagram? Explain.

9. Describe different operators in relational algebra.

10. Explain Data Manipulation Languages.

11. What is a relational model? Explain primary key, candidate key and foreign key with examples.

12. What is concurrency control? Explain.

Part C
(Answer any two questions, each question carries twenty marks)

13 (a) Describe the structure of DBMS in detail. (12)
(b)What is DBA? Describe its duties (8)

14 (a) What is a data model? Describe different data models. (10)
(b)Describe different indexing techniques (10)

15 (a) What is normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF. (10)
(b)Explain the various database recovery techniques. (10)

16 (a) Briefly describe about security and integrity of database systems (10)
(b)Describe the features of distributed databases'? (6)
(c ) Compare OODBMS and ORDBMS. (4)
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