University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Course: B.Sc Computer Science
Subject : Data Communications
Year of Question Paper : 2013
B.Sc Computer Science Examination 2013
Third Semester
C304T Data Communications
Time: 3 hrs Max.Mark: 75
Part A
(Answer any five questions. Each question carries three marks)
1. Explain any three kinds of cables for communication with suitable diagrams.
2. Distinguish between a switch and a hub.
3. Write short notes on different communication modes.
4. Explain packet switching with suitable diagram.
5. Briefly explain hamming codes.
6. What are the services provided by the application layers'?
Part B
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks)
7. Write short notes on HDLC.
8. Explain (1) SPDU (2) FTAM (3) ARQ (4) CAT 5 (5) ACK.
9. Explain different framing methods used by Data link Layer.
10. How can congestion be controlled in a data Communication system?
11. What are Routers? Explain the in merits of Routers.
12. What are the advantages of Frame Relay?
Part C
(Answer any two questions. Each question carries twenty marks)
13. (a) Draw a neat diagram and briefly explain OSI Layers.
(b) Elaborate the functions of Layer I Devices.
(a) How can errors be detected and corrected in a communication system?
(b) Write notes on Data Link Protocols.
(a) Specify what is a 56K Modem. Explain other types of Modem s.
(b) Explain different switching methods in transmission.
(a) Mention what is CRC in detail with necessary diagrams.
(b) The data rate of lOBase5 is 10Mbps. how long does it take to create the smallest frame? Explain the method of calculation..
Course: B.Sc Computer Science
Subject : Data Communications
Year of Question Paper : 2013
B.Sc Computer Science Examination 2013
Third Semester
C304T Data Communications
Time: 3 hrs Max.Mark: 75
Part A
(Answer any five questions. Each question carries three marks)
1. Explain any three kinds of cables for communication with suitable diagrams.
2. Distinguish between a switch and a hub.
3. Write short notes on different communication modes.
4. Explain packet switching with suitable diagram.
5. Briefly explain hamming codes.
6. What are the services provided by the application layers'?
Part B
(Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks)
7. Write short notes on HDLC.
8. Explain (1) SPDU (2) FTAM (3) ARQ (4) CAT 5 (5) ACK.
9. Explain different framing methods used by Data link Layer.
10. How can congestion be controlled in a data Communication system?
11. What are Routers? Explain the in merits of Routers.
12. What are the advantages of Frame Relay?
Part C
(Answer any two questions. Each question carries twenty marks)
13. (a) Draw a neat diagram and briefly explain OSI Layers.
(b) Elaborate the functions of Layer I Devices.
(a) How can errors be detected and corrected in a communication system?
(b) Write notes on Data Link Protocols.
(a) Specify what is a 56K Modem. Explain other types of Modem s.
(b) Explain different switching methods in transmission.
(a) Mention what is CRC in detail with necessary diagrams.
(b) The data rate of lOBase5 is 10Mbps. how long does it take to create the smallest frame? Explain the method of calculation..
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