University: Mahatma Gandhi University
Course: B.Tech
Subject : AE Air transportation and air craft maintenance
Year of Question Paper : 2014
Air transportation and aircraft maintenance examination will help the students to familiarize with various aspects of aviation industry including airline economics, operations and maintenance.
Time: 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks
Part A
Answer all questions
Each question carries three marks
1. What is the role of IATA in aviation industry?
2. What do you understand by fleet size ?
3. List out the advantages in preparing flight plans.
4. Define the term Aircraft Reliability.
5. Write a short note on equipments used for aircraft maintenance.
(3x5 = 15 Marks)
Part B
Answer all questions
Each question carries five marks
6. What are the factors affecting general aviation. Discus.
7. Explain fleet planning.
8. Write short note on flight operations.
9. Differentiate between EROPS and ETOPS.
10.What do you mean by aircraft weight control?
(5x5 Marks)
Part C
Answer all questions
Each question carries 12 marks
11. Explain the level of management of organizations for airlines with the help of chart.
12. Compare air transportation with other modes of transportation.
13. Explain in detail about aircraft selection process and operating cost.
14. Explain route selection and capitol acquisition.
15. How is hub and spoke scheduling advantageous over point to point scheduling?
16. Explain in detail about ground operations and facility
17. Explain reliability. How do you go about "Investigation of reliability alerts".
18. What is the procedure for ageing aircraft maintenance?
19. Explain in detail about On board maintenance System.
20. Explain about engine monitoring system. (5x 12 = 60Marks) ..
Course: B.Tech
Subject : AE Air transportation and air craft maintenance
Year of Question Paper : 2014
Air transportation and aircraft maintenance examination will help the students to familiarize with various aspects of aviation industry including airline economics, operations and maintenance.
Time: 3 hours Maximum: 100 marks
Part A
Answer all questions
Each question carries three marks
1. What is the role of IATA in aviation industry?
2. What do you understand by fleet size ?
3. List out the advantages in preparing flight plans.
4. Define the term Aircraft Reliability.
5. Write a short note on equipments used for aircraft maintenance.
(3x5 = 15 Marks)
Part B
Answer all questions
Each question carries five marks
6. What are the factors affecting general aviation. Discus.
7. Explain fleet planning.
8. Write short note on flight operations.
9. Differentiate between EROPS and ETOPS.
10.What do you mean by aircraft weight control?
(5x5 Marks)
Part C
Answer all questions
Each question carries 12 marks
11. Explain the level of management of organizations for airlines with the help of chart.
12. Compare air transportation with other modes of transportation.
13. Explain in detail about aircraft selection process and operating cost.
14. Explain route selection and capitol acquisition.
15. How is hub and spoke scheduling advantageous over point to point scheduling?
16. Explain in detail about ground operations and facility
17. Explain reliability. How do you go about "Investigation of reliability alerts".
18. What is the procedure for ageing aircraft maintenance?
19. Explain in detail about On board maintenance System.
20. Explain about engine monitoring system. (5x 12 = 60Marks) ..
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