Friday, July 10, 2015

Mahatma Gandhi University B.Tech Basic Electronics Engineering and Information Technology Question paper 2014

University:  Mahatma Gandhi University
Course:  B.Tech
Subject : Basic Electronics Engineering and Information Technology
Year of  Question Paper : 2014

Part A
Each question carries 3 marks

1. Write the comparison of any three properties of BJT and FET?
2. What is hand-off? Explain.
3. What is interlaced scanning ? What are its advantages?
4. What is Cache memory? What are its advantages?
5. Distinguish between hardware and software with the help of examples.

Part B
Each question carries 5 marks

6. Draw an inverting operational amplifier circuit and design it for a voltage gain of 10.
7. With a block diagram, explain the function of an earth station in a satellite communication system.
8. Describe the principle if MP3.
9. Explain and contrast between single bus and multi bus organisation.
10. What is Domain name system? Give its application.

Part C
Each question carries 12 marks

11. With the help of constructional diagram, forward and reverse characteristics, explain the principle of a zenor diode? Describe how it provides voltage regulation?
12. (a) With a neat constructional diagram, explain the working of an enhancement mode MOSFET?
(b) Define any six important specifications of TTL and explain them with typical values for standard TTL family

13. (a) List the different standard frequency bands and their uses in microwave frequency bands.
(b) With neat waveform sketches, explain FM? Derive Expression for an FM wave.
14. With a neat block diagram, explain the working of a high level modulated AM transmitter? Describe the function of each block , why the signal is not amplified after modulation?

15. Explain the principle of a strain gauge with the constructional diagram of any two different types of strain gauges.
16. (a) Explain the different components and their functions of the DTH system.
(b) Describe the 7.1 channel audio system.

17. (a) With a neat block diagram, explain the von neumann architecture? What are its advantages?
(b) Describe the principle of plotter used with a computer.
18. Clearly describe the functions of :
(a) mouse;
(b) OMR;
(c) I/O Processor.

19. Explain the architecture of a typical LAN. Give different network topologies.
20. What is a system software? What are its functions? Describe any two different types of system software.
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