Friday, July 10, 2015

Mahatma Gandhi University B.Tech PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Question paper 2014

University:  Mahatma Gandhi University
Course:  B.Tech
Year of  Question Paper : 2013


Forth Semester
Branch:Automobile/mechanical /civil Engineering

Time: 3 hours                                                                                                     maximum: 100 marks
Part A
Answer all questions
Each question carries three marks
1.       Write short note on Delegation.
2.       What is manpower planning?
3.       Explain product life cycle.
4.       Write short note on working capital.
5.       Define marketing management.

                                                        (3x5 = 15 Marks)
Part B
                                                          Answer all questions
                                            Each question carries five marks

  1. What is the importance of span of control in an organizational structure?
  2. Explain the objectives of quality circles.
  3. What are the functions of a production department?
  4. What are the methods of financing?
  5. Explain the duties of a sales engineer.


(5x5= 25 Marks)   

                                                                      Part C
                                            Answer all questions
                                  Each question carries 12 marks

11.  a) Define scientific management. Discuss the various functions of management.
       b) Explain in detail about organizational structure?
12. a)Explain in detail about the recruitment and selection of manpower in an industry.
        b) What are the causes of industrial disputes? How these disputes are settled?
13. a) Explain in detail about project planning with CPM and PERT?
        b) Explain various types of data analyzing methods and suggest a suitable method for a batch process industry.
14. a) Define capital. Differentiate between fixed capital and working capital.
      b) Define cost management. What are the elements and components of cost?

15 a) What do you mean by advertising? Explain the various factors considered in an advertising   decision?
      b) What is marketing research? Explain the importance of marketing research?

                                                                                             (12 x 5= 60Marks)
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