[LG 0215] FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code: 1513
Dr. MGR University Previous Years Question Papers
Q.P. Code: 801513
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
I. Elaborate on: (3 x 10 = 30)
1. Calcification of left to right shunt and QP:QS ratio by Echo in congenital
heart disease.
2. Echocardiographic assessment of prosthetic valve, parameters to be assessed, difficulties in assessment and methods of circumventing the same.
3. Echo features of constrictive pericarditis Vs restrictive cardiomyopathy.
II. Write notes on: (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Situations where Transoesophageal echo is superior to transthoracic echo.
2. Tetralogy of fallots – the echocardiographic findings.
3. Assessment of severity of aortic stenosis, usefulness and limitation of continuity equation.
4. Parameters of diastolic dysfunction and grading of diastolic dysfunction by Echo.
5. Principles of doppler.
6. LA volume and its usefulness.
7. TEE criteria to decide on suitability for device closure.
8. Ebstein's anomaly echo and calculation of severity.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 3 = 30)
1. Draw and label the LV myocardial segments.
2. Assessment of atrial septal defect by echo, the view and their usefulness and limitation.
3. Assessment of LA function by doppler.
4. Structures seen in Long axis parasternal view.
5. Diagnosis of corrected transposition by echocardiogram.
6. Parasternal short axis views and their usefulness.
7. Mention the limitation and usefulness of pulse doppler.
8. Calculation of valve area in prosthetic valve.
9. Echo assessment of pulmonary artery hypertension.
10. Echocardiographic findings in corrected transposition.
Dr. MGR University Previous Years Question Papers
Q.P. Code: 801513
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
I. Elaborate on: (3 x 10 = 30)
1. Calcification of left to right shunt and QP:QS ratio by Echo in congenital
heart disease.
2. Echocardiographic assessment of prosthetic valve, parameters to be assessed, difficulties in assessment and methods of circumventing the same.
3. Echo features of constrictive pericarditis Vs restrictive cardiomyopathy.
II. Write notes on: (8 x 5 = 40)
1. Situations where Transoesophageal echo is superior to transthoracic echo.
2. Tetralogy of fallots – the echocardiographic findings.
3. Assessment of severity of aortic stenosis, usefulness and limitation of continuity equation.
4. Parameters of diastolic dysfunction and grading of diastolic dysfunction by Echo.
5. Principles of doppler.
6. LA volume and its usefulness.
7. TEE criteria to decide on suitability for device closure.
8. Ebstein's anomaly echo and calculation of severity.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 3 = 30)
1. Draw and label the LV myocardial segments.
2. Assessment of atrial septal defect by echo, the view and their usefulness and limitation.
3. Assessment of LA function by doppler.
4. Structures seen in Long axis parasternal view.
5. Diagnosis of corrected transposition by echocardiogram.
6. Parasternal short axis views and their usefulness.
7. Mention the limitation and usefulness of pulse doppler.
8. Calculation of valve area in prosthetic valve.
9. Echo assessment of pulmonary artery hypertension.
10. Echocardiographic findings in corrected transposition.
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