University : The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR University
Course : D.M. – CARDIOLOGY Degree Examination
Subject : Paper IV – RECENT ADVANCES
Question Paper Code : 161424
Subject Code : 1424
Year of Exam : 2015
(LG 011) FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code:1424
Q.P.Code: 161424
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Discuss the management strategy in acute ST segment elevation MI.
2. Discuss the echo assessment, technique and complications of device closure of atrial septal defect.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 7 = 70)
1. Baroreceptor stimulation in the management of resistant hypertension.
2. Contrast echo in Congenital heart disease.
3. PFO Closure – Current indication.
4. Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery
5. Aquaretics.
6. Pleiotropic effects of Statins.
7. Indications for AICD.
8. BNP & Heart failure.
9. Role of gene therapy in CAD.
10. Newer vasodilators in Pulmonary Hypertension.
Course : D.M. – CARDIOLOGY Degree Examination
Subject : Paper IV – RECENT ADVANCES
Question Paper Code : 161424
Subject Code : 1424
Year of Exam : 2015
(LG 011) FEBRUARY 2015 Sub. Code:1424
Q.P.Code: 161424
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Discuss the management strategy in acute ST segment elevation MI.
2. Discuss the echo assessment, technique and complications of device closure of atrial septal defect.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 7 = 70)
1. Baroreceptor stimulation in the management of resistant hypertension.
2. Contrast echo in Congenital heart disease.
3. PFO Closure – Current indication.
4. Minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery
5. Aquaretics.
6. Pleiotropic effects of Statins.
7. Indications for AICD.
8. BNP & Heart failure.
9. Role of gene therapy in CAD.
10. Newer vasodilators in Pulmonary Hypertension.
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