Solapur University Previous Years Question Papers
B.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
ENGLISH (Compulsory) (Old)
Text Book : Realms of Gold : An Anthology for Degree Classes
Day and Date: Tuesday, 3-6-2014 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative given below them. 10
1) The high priest of Rameswaram temple was _________
a) Prashant Lakshmana Sastry b) Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry
c) Prabhu Lakshmana Sastry d) None of the above
2) Within the next twenty years ___________
a) half of the world’s population will be living in cities
b) all the world’s population will be living in cities
c) one third of the world’s population will be living in cities
d) none of the above
3) Datta had learnt by long experience that his customers never came _______
a) correctly b) punctually c) timely d) none of the above
4) Goldsmith presents the ___________ as an amusing character in his poem.
a) lawyer b) schoolmaster
c) doctor d) writer
5) Datta was a _________
a) painter b) frame-maker
c) goldsmith d) hunter
6) Let me give you ________ umbrella.
a) a b) an c) the d) none
7) _________ psychiastrist is a doctor who treats mental illness.
a) the b) an c) a d) none
8) I wrote with ___________ pencil.
a) the b) an c) a d) none
9) The water was very cold __________ the child still jumped into the pool.
a) and b) but c) so d) or
10) Lakshmi sends e-mails __________ all her friends now and them.
a) in b) to c) at d) on
2. Write short answers of the following (any five) : 10
1) Describe briefly the locality in which Kalam stayed with his parents.
2) Mention ‘two’ qualities of Kalam’s father.
3) What is the forecast of Economic Commission for Africa ?
4) Describe the character and habits of the frame maker in a few words.
5) Describe the schoolmaster as he appeared to his students.
6) How will the urban explosion affect the standard of life ?
7) What was the intention of the customer in the story when he went to Datta ?
3. A) Write short answers of the following (any two) : 6
1) Why does Colin Legum says that the urban growth is harmful (carcinogenic) ?
2) What was the disaster that struck the photograph ? What was Datta’s reaction to this disaster ?
3) Describe the house in which Abdul Kalam lived during his childhood.
B) Answer the following question in brief (any two) : 4
1) Write in brief the theme of the poem “The Village Schoolmaster”.
2) Why are more and more people attracted to cities ?
3) What did Kalam learn from his father about the power of prayer ?
4. Answer any one of the following : 10
1) Describe how would you prepare a favourite dish. Make list of the ingredients required and describe the preparation in clear stages.
2) Nita is on her way to her violin class. She meets Dr. Prakash, her father’s boss, outside the music school. The two persons greet each other and exchange a few words before taking leave. Write a brief dialogue with appropriate expressions.
5. Write a letter of an application for the post of lecturer in the college. Give your details. 10
B.Sc. I (Semester – I) Examination, 2014
ENGLISH (Compulsory) (Old)
Text Book : Realms of Gold : An Anthology for Degree Classes
Day and Date: Tuesday, 3-6-2014 Max. Marks: 50
Time: 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative given below them. 10
1) The high priest of Rameswaram temple was _________
a) Prashant Lakshmana Sastry b) Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry
c) Prabhu Lakshmana Sastry d) None of the above
2) Within the next twenty years ___________
a) half of the world’s population will be living in cities
b) all the world’s population will be living in cities
c) one third of the world’s population will be living in cities
d) none of the above
3) Datta had learnt by long experience that his customers never came _______
a) correctly b) punctually c) timely d) none of the above
4) Goldsmith presents the ___________ as an amusing character in his poem.
a) lawyer b) schoolmaster
c) doctor d) writer
5) Datta was a _________
a) painter b) frame-maker
c) goldsmith d) hunter
6) Let me give you ________ umbrella.
a) a b) an c) the d) none
7) _________ psychiastrist is a doctor who treats mental illness.
a) the b) an c) a d) none
8) I wrote with ___________ pencil.
a) the b) an c) a d) none
9) The water was very cold __________ the child still jumped into the pool.
a) and b) but c) so d) or
10) Lakshmi sends e-mails __________ all her friends now and them.
a) in b) to c) at d) on
2. Write short answers of the following (any five) : 10
1) Describe briefly the locality in which Kalam stayed with his parents.
2) Mention ‘two’ qualities of Kalam’s father.
3) What is the forecast of Economic Commission for Africa ?
4) Describe the character and habits of the frame maker in a few words.
5) Describe the schoolmaster as he appeared to his students.
6) How will the urban explosion affect the standard of life ?
7) What was the intention of the customer in the story when he went to Datta ?
3. A) Write short answers of the following (any two) : 6
1) Why does Colin Legum says that the urban growth is harmful (carcinogenic) ?
2) What was the disaster that struck the photograph ? What was Datta’s reaction to this disaster ?
3) Describe the house in which Abdul Kalam lived during his childhood.
B) Answer the following question in brief (any two) : 4
1) Write in brief the theme of the poem “The Village Schoolmaster”.
2) Why are more and more people attracted to cities ?
3) What did Kalam learn from his father about the power of prayer ?
4. Answer any one of the following : 10
1) Describe how would you prepare a favourite dish. Make list of the ingredients required and describe the preparation in clear stages.
2) Nita is on her way to her violin class. She meets Dr. Prakash, her father’s boss, outside the music school. The two persons greet each other and exchange a few words before taking leave. Write a brief dialogue with appropriate expressions.
5. Write a letter of an application for the post of lecturer in the college. Give your details. 10
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