Sunday, July 12, 2015

WBUT BSM Semester-4 Human Resource Management Question Paper of WBUT 2013 Exam Question paper

University: West Bengal University of Technology
Course: BSM
Subject : Human Resource Management
Year of  Question Paper : 2013




Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.


( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following : [Marks 10 × 1 = 10]

i) The term „procurement? stands for

a) training & development

b) appraisal

c) IRs

d) Recruitment & selection.

ii) What is meant by the acronym VET ?

a) Vocational Education and Training

b) Vocational Expertise and Training

c) Vocational Expertise and Training

d) Voluntary Education and Training.

iii) The managerial function out of the following functions

of HR managers is

a) procurement b) organizing

c) appraisal d) retention.

iv) Human resource management is normally ....................

in nature.

a) proactive b) reactive

c) combative d) none of these.v) What is meant by an SME ?

a) Small Medium Employer

b) Small Medium Enterprise

c) Small Manufacturing Enterprise

d) Small Manufacturing Employer.

vi) Which of the following is not a type of performance

appraisal ?

a) Team based appraisal

b) Appraisal of managers

c) Customer appraisals

d) 45 degree appraisal.

vii) The Trade Union Act was enacted in

a) 1986 b) 1963

c) 1926 d) 1989.

viii) HR manager is a/an

a) Line manager

b) Staff manager

c) Account manager

d) None of these.

ix) The Standing Order Act was enacted

a) 1956 b) 1836

c) 1946 d) 1986.

x) Which of the following techniques is not connected with

human resource planning ?

a) Markov analysis b) MBO

c) Demand analysis d) Work load.


( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. [Marks 3 × 5 = 15]

2. What are the differences between recruitment &

selection ?

3. Write a note on 360 degree feedback.

4. Discuss the selection procedure of a player in a cricket.

5. Do you think that appraisal system is required in sports

organizations ?

6. What is work load analysis ?


( Long Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. [Marks 3 × 15 = 45]

7. What is HRP ? Discuss the process of HRP. Discuss the need

for HRP. [Marks 2 + 7 + 6]

8. "A good team, good field is not adequate for a sports person."

Do you agree ? Enlighten the statement.

9. What is an industrial dispute ? Discuss the ID settlement

machineries. Discuss the structure of trade union. [Marks 3 + 7 + 5]

10. What are the differences between wage & salary ? What are

the HR policies in a sports organisation ? [Marks 8 + 7]

11. How is a new football player trained in a new team ? What is

collective bargaining ? [Marks 12 + 3]

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