Sunday, July 12, 2015

WBUT B.Tech Ethics in Engineering Profession Question Paper 2012

University: West Bengal University
Course: B.Tech
Subject :  Ethics Ethics
Year of  Question Paper : 2012




Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks : 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.


( Multiple Choice Type Questions )

1. Choose the correct alternatives for the following :

[Marks 10X1 = 10]

i) Limits to growth was written by

a) F.W. Taylor b) Abraham Maslow

c) Meadows d) none of these.

ii) The German Blue Angel Environmental Labelling

Scheme ( Eco Mark ) covered .................... products.

a) 2000 b) 3000

c) 4000 d) none of these.

iii) The word 'ethics' comes from

a) Ethos b) Eternal

c) Egalitarian d) Elementary.

iv) The name which is associated with Water gate scandal

in USA is

a) Washington b) Ronald Regan

c) Richard Nixon d) None of these.

v) The term 'ecocentrism' refers to

a) the life centred approach

b) eco-system centred approachc) the human centred approach.

vi) Which of the following is not eco-friendly technology ?

a) Solar technology b) Bi-cycles

c) Motor vehicles d) Bio-gas.

vii) 'The Club of Rome' was founded in

a) 1972 b) 1968

c) 2008 d) 2012.

viii) The full form of CFC is

a) cloro-fluoro carbon

b) clorin fluoric carbon

c) none of these.

ix) The renewable sources of energies are

a) solar, biogas, wind energy

b) coal

c) petroleum.

x) 'National Environment Policy was enacted in the year

a) 2002 b) 2003

c) 2004 d) 2005.


( Short Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. [Marks 3X5 = 15]

2. What do you mean by the profession ? What are the ethical

issues in Engineering profession ?

3. What is Whistle Blowing ? How Whistle Blowing would be

handled by employers section ?

4. What is Club of Rome ? Do you think its forecast was

justifiable in modern perspective ?

5. What is sustainable development ? State the main objectives

of sustainable development.

6. What do you mean by energy crisis faced by the world

to-day ? How can it be solved ? Explain with proper



( Long Answer Type Questions )

Answer any three of the following. [Marks 3X15 = 45]

7. How is technology assessment related with technology

transfer ? What do you mean by appropriate technology &

the ways of acquiring right type of technology ? [Marks 7 + 8]

8. a) How do you explain the "Nuclear threat" to the world

that emerges from the arms race ?

b) Suggest suitable solutions for resolving various conflicts

between business demands & professional ideals. [Marks 9 + 6]

9. What is the values sepctrum of a good life ? Suggest how we

can develop some important dimensions of life. [Marks 7 + 8]

10. What is "Corporate social responsibility" ? How can a

company provide to the soceity through' proper

implementation of Corporate social responsibility ? Give

some examples. [Marks 2 + 10 + 3]

11. Describe the salient features of the philosophy propounded

by Lewis Mumford about the nature of technology growth.

State his views on British Industrial Revolution. [Marks 8 + 7]

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