M.A-M.A Economics 1st Year Paper – III : GOVERNMENT FINANCE (Acharya Nagarjuna University - Center for Distance Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2013)
(DEC 03)
M.A. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
First Year
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 80 marks
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1) Explain the nature and scope of public finance.
2) What is the role of Govt. in organised society?
3) Describe the impact of taxes on the economy.
4) Critically examine the theory of social goods.
5) Enumerate the relationship between public debt and economic development.
6) What are the instruments used in budgeting?
7) Review the fiscal policy of govt of India.
8) Describe the working of Finance Commissions.
9) Bring out the finances of local self govts.
10) Elucidate the financial relations between union and states.
(DEC 03)
M.A. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
First Year
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 80 marks
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1) Explain the nature and scope of public finance.
2) What is the role of Govt. in organised society?
3) Describe the impact of taxes on the economy.
4) Critically examine the theory of social goods.
5) Enumerate the relationship between public debt and economic development.
6) What are the instruments used in budgeting?
7) Review the fiscal policy of govt of India.
8) Describe the working of Finance Commissions.
9) Bring out the finances of local self govts.
10) Elucidate the financial relations between union and states.
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