Sunday, September 13, 2015

2013 Old Question Paper of Research in Education for M.Ed under TNTEU

Looking for old question paper of Research in Education? We have provided here the contents of old question 2013 for this subject. It is under the TNTEU for M.Ed Degree courses. Look out the contents below and copy the question paper to save for your future reference. You may also see another question paper here : Advanced Educational Psychology TNTEU 2013 Question Paper

M 1003 PDAC
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year
2009-2010 and thereafter)
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 100

PART A — (5 × 3 = 15 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Each answer should not exceed 100 words.
Each answer carries 3 marks.

1. Give two examples for null hypothesis.

2. Differentiate longitudinal approach from cross sectional approach.

3. Mention the steps in preparing a diagnostic test.

4. How will you draw a histogram?

5. Find out the range of the following data : 60, 72, 80, 63, 45, 56, 35.

PART B — (8 × 5 = 40 marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions.
Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each answer carries 15 marks.

6. What are the problems in doing Educational Research?

7. Explain any two non-probability sampling techniques.

8. Describe the steps in Historical method.

9. Distinguish between Thurstone and Likert scales.

10. Prepare a check list to find out the facilities in B.Ed. Colleges.

11. Discuss the different methods in establishing the reliability of a research tool.

12. Explain the steps in item analysis.

13. What are the chapters found in a research report? Whatare the information provided in each chapter?

14. Write a frequency distribution and draw a frequency polygon for that.

15. Calculate mean and median for the following data :
42, 46, 30, 37, 29, 41, 50, 31, 39, 43.

16. The ranks obtained by five students in two subjects are given below. Compute the co-efficient of correlation. Students Rank in subject 1 Rank in subject 2
A 5 1
B 4 2
C 3 3
D 2 4
E 1 5

17. List the properties of normal distribution.

PART C — (3 × 15 = 45 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Each answer should not exceed 1200 words.
Each answer carries 15 marks.
18. (a) Select a research problem and prepare a research proposal.


 (b) Explain the following research methods :
 (i) Survey method.
 (ii) Experimental method.
 (iii) Case study.

19. (a) Describe the steps involved in the construction of an achievement tests.


(b) Discuss the important points to be kept in mind while preparing a research report.

20. (a) Find out the correlation coefficient for the following data using Pearson’s product moment method.Interpret the value.
X : 45 55 56 58 60 65 68 70 75 80 85
Y : 56 50 48 60 62 64 65 70 74 82 90


(b) Find out the ‘t – value’ for the following data and explain the significance.
Group 1 Group 2
Mean 53.2 49.8
S.D. 7.4 6.5
N 20 20
r 0.6

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