Sunday, September 13, 2015

Advanced Educational Psychology TNTEU 2013 Question Paper

Are you looking for Advanced Educational Psychology Old Question Papers 2013? Get TNTEU question old question papers now. It is one of the paper from TNTEU. Get the contents of the question paper right now and use it for scoring good marks. Don't forget to send this question paper to your friends who are in need. You may also get : TNTEU Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives in Education 2013 Question Paper

M 1002 PDAB
(For the candidates admitted from the academic year 2009–2010 and thereafter)
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 100

PART I — (5 × 3 = 15 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Each answer should not exceed 100 words.
Each answer carries 3 marks.

1. What is meant by educational psychology?

2. What is achievement motivation?

3. Define the term ‘learning’.

4. What do you mean by span of attention?

5. Define emotional intelligence.

PART II — (8 × 5 = 40 marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions.
Each answer should not exceed 200 words.
Each answer carries 5 marks.

6. Explain the concept of structuralism.

7. Explain the observation method. Mention its uses.

8. What are the differences between growth and development?

9. What is the relationship between emotion and cognition?

10. Explain the term moral development. Write the stages of moral development by Kohlberg.

11. Describe the psycho-analytic theory of personality.

12. Explain the concept of problem solving and reasoning.

13. Describe the Stenberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence.

14. Define level of aspiration. What are the psychological implications of levels of aspiration?

15. Explain the Bruner’s concept developmental stages.

16. Define creativity. Describe the developmental stages of creativity.

17. Analyse the ethical issues in psychological research.

PART III — (3 × 15 = 45 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Each answer should not exceed 1,200 words.
Each answer carries 15 marks.

18. (a) Give an account on experimental method in educational psychology.


(b) Enumerate the developmental problems faced by adolescents and suggest remedial measures.

19. (a) Explain the cognitive development stages putforth by Piaget.


(b) Describe the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory and its educational implications.

20. (a) Write briefly about Lawin’s field theory of learning and Hulls systematic behaviour theory of learning.


(b) Define personality. Explain in detail the methods of measuring personality.

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