Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Alagappa University Model Question Papers - MBA Banking and Finance

Are you searching for  MBA Banking and Finance model question paper of Alagappa University? Then look at the following passage where you can get all model question paper of this subject. The shared question paper contents here are the model only. The original question paper may differ for various regulations and course. You should ensure them with the official website of the Alagappa University.

Model Question Papers Collections for AU Karaikudi.
MBA Banking and Finance for Alagappa University
1. What are the principles of Management?
2. How bankers can influence the environment?
3. Describe the techniques of operational planning.
4. What are tactical decisions? Explain.
5. Enumerate the merits and limitations of matrix organization.
6. What types of leadership is suitable for bank management?
7. Explain the need for RBI control over banks.
8. State the selection criteria used in banks.

1. What do you mean by 'Espirit de corps'? Explain its relevance in bank management.
2. Emphasise the need for MBO in banks.
3. What are the standing plans? What are its uses?
4. Bring out the drawbacks of committees.
5. In India, the degree of decentrailisation is more in private sector banks- Do you agree? Substantiate your views.
6. What is Conflict? What are the reasons for conflict in Indian Banks?
7. What is TQM? What is its relevance in the Indian Banking industry?
8. As a branch manager of a public sector bank, how would you ensure discipline among the employees?

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. The role of a bank manager has changed significantly in the post-technology era – Explain.
10. Bring out the constraints faced by Indian banks in the process of planning.
11. Explain the principles of organisation. Analyse its relevance to Indian banks.
12. Explain different styles of leadership suggest a style that may be more useful for a Regional Rural Bank.
13. What is MIS? Explain the prerequisites for an effective MIS in banks.
14. How does the RBI control the activities of banks in India?
15. Explain the different methods of performance evaluation used in banks.

1. Explain the need and importance of organisational behaviour.
2. What are the factors that influence perception?
3. Enumerate the merits and demerits of group dynamics.
4. Describe the principles of effective communication.
5. Explain the contingency approach to leadership.
6. Explain the sources of stress.
7. How do you evaluate organisational effectiveness?
8. Explain the process of organizational change.

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
Each answer not to exceed 5 pages.

9. What are the environmental factors that influence organizational behaviour? Discuss.
10. Explain the determinants of personality and stages of personality development.
11. Explain the impact of emotional intelligence on managerial decision making process.
12. Explain different types of power and also brief its uses in an organisation.
13. What are the internal and external factors that affect organisational culture?
14. Explain the importance of change and resistance factors to change.
15. Explain the benefits and limitations of organisation development.


1. What is Managerial Economics? Explain its uses.
2. State Law of Demand and bring out exceptions to it.
3. What is Opportunity Cost? Describe its uses with a suitable example in business.
4. What is Cost Reduction? Enumerate the essentials for the success of a Cost Reduction Programme.
5. “Every firm is a price taken in perfect competition” – Comment.
6. Explain production function with two variable inputs.
7. Define Profit and describe it as the reward for successful innovation.
8. What is Business Cycle? Describe its phases.

SECTION B — (4 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

9. Explain in detail the Geographical Price Differentials.
10. Describe the various approaches to Profit Forecasting.
11. Explain with a suitable example the Declining Balance Method of Measuring Depreciation.
12. Discuss the scope of Managerial Economics.
13. Enumerate the factors determining the demand for Capital Goods.
14. Discuss the various economics of Scale. Also explain Sargent Florence’s principles in this regard.
15. What is disequilibrium in Balance of Payment? State the causes for it.


1. State the reasons for innovations in the financial service sector.
2. What do you mean by fund based financial services? How does it differ from non-fund based activities?
3. State the advantages of lease financing.
4. Distinguish between factoring and discounting.
5. Bring out the various benefits of securitisation.
6. Differentiate between merger and takeover.
7. Explain the different corporate advisory services.
8. What are the regulatory steps taken by the RBI in controlling the NBFCs in India?

SECTION B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. What are the various financial services rendered by financial service industry?
10. What is mutual fund? Explain the rights and facilities available to an investor of a mutual fund.
11. Who can become a credit card holder? State the facilities offered to credit card holders.
12. What do you understand by portfolio management? Explain the principles of portfolio management.
13. Explain different methods of credit rating with its relative advantages.
14. Examine the role of non-banking financial companies in the development of Indian Industries.
15. What is consumer finance? Explain different sources of consumer finance.


1. Elaborate the services of a project consultant.
2. Explain the features of venture capital.
3. What are the various sources of financing fixed assets?
4. Explain the significance of managerial appraisal in project financing.
5. What are the requirements of an ideal project location?
6. What are the various points to be considered by a banker while analysing the break-even point of a break-even unit?
7. Explain the reasons for discrepancy between social costs and monetary costs.
8. Improving the quality of appraisal, supervision and follow-up is the only way for banks to reduce NPAs – Comment.

SECTION B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. Elaborate the various stages of a project cycle.
10. Discuss the determinants of working capital.
11. Explain the various parameters of technical appraisal of a project.
12. How do you evaluate commercial aspects of a project?
13. Explain the features of various ratios used by the lending institutions for pre-sanction appraisal.
14. As a banker, how would you evaluate the international competitiveness of a project?
15. Elaborate the causes of industrial sickness.
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B.E Civil Engineer Graduated from Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli in the year 2016. She has developed this website for the welfare of students community not only for students under Anna University Chennai, but for all universities located in India. That's why her website is named as www.IndianUniversityQuestionPapers.com . If you don't find any study materials that you are looking for, you may intimate her through contact page of this website to know her so that it will be useful for providing them as early as possible. You can also share your own study materials and it can be published in this website after verification and reviewing. Thank you!

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