Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Alagappa university question papers Second semester Shakespeare April 2015

Second Semester
(CBCS – 2012 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer the following questions in 1 or 2 sentences each:
1. To what does Brabantio attribute Desdemona’s affections for Othello?
2. Why does Iago speak to Cassio about Bianca?
3. Why is Orlando warned not to wrestle with Charles?
4. Which three items of property does Rosalind agree to purchase from Corin’s employer?
5. How do Poins and Hal set Falstaff up for their practical joke?
6. What news does Sir Richard Vernon bring the rebels?
7. How old was Miranda when they arrived on the island?
8. How has Caliban benefited from learning a language?
9. What is the meaning of the couplet of “Sonnet 18”?
10. What is the “outcast state” of the speaker in “Sonnet 29”?

Part B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer the following questions, choosing either (a) or (b).
11. (a) Discuss Othello’s estimation of Iago.
(b) Contrast Desdemona and Emilia.
12. (a) Comment on the pastoral quality of the play As you like it.
(b) How significant is love at first sight in As you like it.
13. (a) Define the precise nature of Worcester’s relation to Hotspur in Henry IV Part I.
(b) Analyze the role of Mistress Quickly in Henry IV
Part I.
14. (a) Describe the phantom banquet in The Tempest.
(b) Analyze the role of Caliban in The Tempest.
15. (a) How has Shakespeare immortalized friendship in his sonnets?
(b) Comment on the part played by fools and clowns in

Part C (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following questions in about 800 words each.
16. Explain Othello’s jealousy and his motivation for killing Desdemona.
17. Examine the development of relationship between Rosalind and Orlando.
18. Analyze the chief facets of Falstaff’s character.
19. Examine the theme of repentance and reconciliation in The Tempest.
20. Discuss the role of women in Shakespearean Comedies.
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