Thursday, September 24, 2015

AU Alagappa University question papers April 2015 Literature And Gender Studies

Are you looking for Alagappa University Previous year important question papers? Alagappa University Old Previous Sample Model Question Paper Question Bank Important Question Papers Collection- English Literature And Gender Studies

Second Semester
(CBCS – 2012 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer all questions in about a sentence or 2 each.
1. What do the tigers of Jennifer symbolize?
2. What does the mirror symbolize in Sylvia Plath’s poem?
3. What does Pan do with reed, in Elizabeth Barret Browning's poem?
4. How does Judith Wright name the child?
5. What do the Youngers give Mama on the day they move?
6. What does Ruth consider when she finds out that she is pregnant?
7. What, according to Virginia Woolf, should be the effect of education on the differences between men and women?
8. What does Millett mean by politics?
9. What does Marian do to test Peter?
10. What does Sita in "Where shall We Go this Summer do to ascertain her individuality?

Part B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer all questions choosing either (a) or (b).
11. (a) How does the speaker describe Aunt Jennifer after her death?
(b) Bring out the confessional elements in Kamala Das’s poems.
12. (a) How does Judith Wright present the female sexuality and sensuality in her poem?
(b) How does Brooks eulogize the negro hero?
13. (a) Show how family balance in A Raisin in the Sun is shattered.
(b) Justify the significance of the title, A Raisin in the Sun.
14. (a) Why, in Woolf’s view, did Elizabethan women not
write poetry?

(b) How does Millett prove that the “oppression of women is in Total”?

15. (a) Consider Edible Woman as an anti-comedy.


(b) How does Anita Desai portray life in Bombay in Where Shall We Go this Summer?

Part C (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following questions in about 500 words each.
16. Explain how Rich expresses the need for women’s liberation, through her poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers”.
17. Analyse how the musical instrument metaphorically symbolizes marriage?
18. Consider the importance of dreams as the major theme of A Raisin in the Sun.
19. Consider Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own as a classic text of the feminist movement.
20. Examine The Edible Woman as a “social vehicle” that “reflects society”.
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