Thursday, September 24, 2015

British Literature- IV Alagappa University question papers Third semester

Are you Searching for Alagappa University Last year important question papers? Alagappa University Old Previous Sample Model Question Paper Question Bank Important Question Papers Collection- British Literature- IV

Third Semester
(CBCS – 2012 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Part A (10 x  2 = 20)
Answer the following questions in 1 or 2 sentences each.
1. What does the river sweat in The Waste Land?
2. How is the old man described in "Sailing to Byzantium"?
3. Where does the Morel family live in Sons and Lovers?
4. What organization urges children to turn their parents over to the authorities in 1984?
5. Who is called "Ricky-ticky-tavy" in Man and Superman?
6. How does Vladimir walk in Waiting for Godot?
7. What worries Mrs. Ramsay about Jasper in To the Lighthouse?
8. Why did Wells push Stephen into the ditch in A Portrait?
9. At what age did Orwell discover the joy of mere words?
10. What is the most commonest form of forgetfulness?

Part B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer the following questions choosing either (a) or (b).
11. (a) Comment on the theme of disillusionment in The Waste Land.
(b) How does Yeats fuse the political and the personal in his poem "Easter 1916"?
12. (a) Comment on the role of Paul in Sons and Lovers.
(b) Discuss the use of symbols in 1984.
13. (a) Analyze the role of Ann Whitefield in Man and Superman.
(b) Comment on the significance of Lucky-Pozzo episode in Waiting for Godot.
14. (a) Analyze the character of Lily Briscoe in To the Lighthouse.
(b) What is the role of Father Conmee in A Portrait?
15. (a) Discuss the four great motives for writing that Orwell highlights in "Why I Write."
(b) What examples of forgetfulness does Lynd discuss in his essay "On Forgetting"?

Part C (3 x 10 = 30)
Answer any three of the following questions in about 800 words each.
16. Examine the allusions in Eliot's The Waste Land.
17. Consider Sons and Lovers a psychological study of relationships.
18. Would you regard Waiting for Godot as a tragic play? Substantiate
19. Examine the stream of consciousness technique employed in To the Lighthouse.
20. Discuss Orwell's experiences as a bookshop assistant as narrated “Bookshop Memories”.

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