Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dr.R.M.L.Avadh University B.Sc. IIIrd year Year 2009

Dr.R.M.L.Avadh University
Mark- 50
B.Sc. IIIrd year Year 2009
Paper I:
General Chemistry, Molecular Spectroscopy and Analytical chemistry
Note-attempt Question No. 1 which is compulsory and four more from the rest .Marks allotted to each question are given against it. 
1- A) What are common toxic elements? Discuss their effects in the environment.[1-marks]
B) Discuss the number of different symmetry elements in benzene molecule.[1-marks]
C) Explain how monuments are damaged by pollutants.[1-marks]
D) Explain how some nuclear disintegrations become self-sustaining.[1-marks]
E) How do kinetic methods determine the reaction mechanism? [1-marks]
F) State Born-Oppenhiemer approximation.[1-marks]
G) How is I.R spectroscopy employed for watching the progress of a chemical change?[1-marks]
H) What is isotope effect in rotational spectra?[1-marks]
I) Is melting point true criteria of purity of a substance?[1-marks]
J) Explain in brief the shielding and deshielding of protons.[1-marks]   2.What is electromagnetic radiation? Describe the various regions of electromagnetic radiation concerned with the corresponding spectroscopic techniques.[10-marks] 3. Discuss the rotational spectrum of a diatomic rigid rotor. How is the bond-length of a molecule determined by it?[10-marks]
4. A) Write down the types of electronic transitions and selection rules for d-d transitions.[5-marks]
B) Discuss the electronic spectrum of [Ti(H2O) 6]3 complex.[5-marks] 
5. A) What is the basic principle of thin layer chromatography? Describe its applications. [5-marks] B) State Lambert-Beer‘s law and give the applications of Colorimetric analysis.[5-marks] 
6.What are Raman spectra? Discuss the origin of Raman lines.[10-marks] 
7.What are radio isotopes? How are they separated? Give their applications.[10-marks] 
8.What are the symmetry operations? Explain them with suitable examples.[10-marks]  9.What do you mean by chemical shift? Discuss the PMR spectra of ethyl bromide.[10-marks] 
10.Write short notes on any four of the following-[2.5+2.5+2.5+2.5=10-marks]  A)Photochemical pollutants B)Degree of freedom C)Polarisibility of molecule D)Franck –Condon Principle E)Polarography and its applications. 

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