Wednesday, September 23, 2015

LEARNING RESOURCES Alagappa University 2015 Question Paper

Alagappa University Old Previous Sample Model Question Paper Question Bank Important Question Papers Collection - LEARNING RESOURCES 2015 Question Papers

Alagappa University
(2014 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
 Section A (10  2 = 20)
Answer any ten questions in about 100 words each.

1. What is a virtual university?

2. How does technology helps in learning teaching?

3. Define learning.

4. Write about computer Assisted instruction.

5. What is a teaching machine?

6. Mention the learning principle of B.F. Skinner.

7. What do you mean by learning by doing? Give an example.

8. What are the barriers to classroom communication?

9. Mention the advantages of an interactive white board.

10. What are the devices needed to conduct video conferencing?

11. What are the purposes of using educational technology?

12. Write a short note on UGC TV programme.

Section B (5 x 5 = 25)
Answer any five questions in about 250 words each.

13. Explain about the four ‘revolutions in education’?

14. How online resources can be used in the teaching and learning experiences?

15. State the various types of communications.

16. What do you mean by personalized system of learning?

17. Write a short note on the importance of print medium.

18. What are the special features of animation pictures?

19. How does self instruction vary from classroom instruction?

20. Write the advantages of Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)?

Section C (2 x 15 = 30)
Answer all questions, not exceeding 750 words each.

21. (a) Describe about the barriers to general communication.


 (b) Describe about the meaning, use, need and approaches of educational technology.

22. (a) Explain the types of Programmed Instruction (PI) and the steps involved in the preparation of PI.


 (b) Write elaborately about over head projector and its merits.

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