Friday, October 9, 2015

AU Chennai CP7111 Advanced Data Structures Lab Jan 2014 Question Paper

Regulations – R-2013
Semester: 01
M.E. Computer Science And Engineering
CP7111: Advanced Data Structures Laboratory
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 100

1. Write a Java program using the idea of breadth first search to find a shortest cycle starting from any given vertex ‘v’. 100

2. Write a Java program to visit all vertices in a graph ‘G’ with 8 vertices reachable from any vertex ‘v’. 100

3. Write a Java program to implement breadth first graph traversal and depth first graph traversal. 100

4. Write a Java program to produce a spanning tree for an undirected connected graph using depth first search. 100

5. Write a Java program to implement Ford – Fulkerson algorithm to maximize flow of packets in a network. 100

6. Write a Java program to maximize the flow of vehicles in a bridge with limitations using minimum cut technique. 100

7. Write a Java program to solve transshipment problems using network flow algorithmic design technique. 100

8. Write a Java program to solve assignment problems in allocating jobs to machines so that total cost is minimized using any flow algorithm. 100

9. Write a Java program to implement simplex algorithm in solving linear programming problem 100

10. Write a linear program to find the shortest path between two vertices in a graph G. 100

11. Write a linear program to find the maximum flow in a network G with source ‘s’ and sink ‘t’. 100

12. Write a linear program in Java that, given a bipartite graph G = ( V, E) as input, solves the maximum bipartite matching problem. 100

13. Write a Hill climbing program in Java to solve 8 queens problem 100

14. Develop a hill climbing program in Java to solve travelling salesman problem. 100

15. Develop a Java program to schedule jobs in a assembly line using dynamic programming design technique 100

16. Develop a Java program to find the longest common subsequences present in any given two strings as input using dynamic programming design technique. 100

17. Develop a Java program to solve knapsack problem using backtracking design technique. 100

18. Write a Java program to find the sum of subsets using backtracking design technique. 100

19. Write a Java program to find the Hamiltonian cycles present in a graph G using backtracking  design technique 100

20. Write a Java program to implement randomized quick sort algorithm 100

21. Write a Java program to implement insertion, deletion and search operations in a concurrent singly linked list with necessary constructors. 100

22. Write a Java program to implement insertion, deletion and search operations in a concurrent doubly linked list. 100

23. Write a Java program to implement insertion, deletion and search operations in a concurrent queue 100

24. Write a Java program to implement insertion, deletion and search operations in a concurrent stack. 100

Marks Split Up
Aim and Algorithm = 15 marks
Source code compilation = 50 marks
Results = 25 marks
Viva = 10 marks
Total = 100 marks
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