Monday, October 5, 2015

AU ME2405 Mechatronics Lab Nov Dec 2014 Question Paper - Set 1

Regulations – 2008
Seventh Semester
(B.E. Mechanical Engineering/B.E. Production Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

Question Paper Set 1:-
1. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for a single acting cylinder to operate in an OR gate sequence (100)
2. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for a single acting cylinder to operate in an AND gate sequence (100)
3. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for the controlling of a Double acting cylinder using Quick Exhaust Valve (100)
4. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for the controlling of a Single acting cylinder using Time delay valve (100)
5. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for the controlling of a Double acting cylinder using electrical push button (100)
6. Design and simulate a pneumatic circuit for the controlling of a Single acting cylinder using electrical push button (100)
7. Design a pneumatic circuit for the continuous reciprocation of a double acting cylinder  (100)
8. Design a pneumatic circuit for controlling of a double acting cylinder using hand
operated valve (100)
9. Design and simulate a hydraulic circuit for the reciprocation of a double acting cylinder using solenoid valve (100)
10. Design and simulate a hydraulic circuit for the reciprocation of a double acting cylinder using solenoid valve and a delay timer (100)
11. Control the Speed of a DC motor using digital PID controller (100)
12. Using LABVIEW software, model and analyze the basic hydraulic system for the problem given below. (100)
Oil is flowing through a 0.03m diameter pipe at 0.001m3 per second. Determine the velocity
13. Using LABVIEW software, model and analyze the basic electrical system shown below.  (100)

14. Using LABVIEW software, model and analyze the basic pneumatic system for the problem given below. (100)
The 2” diameter piston of the pneumatic cylinder shown in fig (shown below), retracts 4” from its present position (P1 = 20 psi, V1 = 20 in3) due to the external load on the rod. If the port at the blank end of the cylinder is blocked, find the new pressure, assuming temperature does not change.
P1 = 20psi,
V1 = 20 in3
F load
15. Control the Speed of a stepper motor using 8051 micro-controller (100)
16. Study the characteristics & working principle of current to pressure converter, control valve and flow transmitter. (100)
17. Using computerized data logging system with control for process variables like pressure flow and temperature (100)
18. Design and testing of fluid power circuits to control
(i) Velocity
(ii) Direction and
(iii) Force of single and double acting actuators (100)
19. Study the performance of servomotor control for Open loop system and Closed loop system (100)

20. Develop a electro-pneumatic circuit for extension and retraction of double acting cylinder (100)
ALLOCATION OF MARKS are given below:-

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