Monday, October 5, 2015

AU Practical ME2405 Mechatronics Lab Nov Dec 2014 Question Paper- Set 2

Regulation – 2008
Seventh Semester
Common to: B.E. Mechanical Engineering / B.E. Production Engineering
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Practical Exams Question Paper Set II:

1. Design a hydraulic circuit using a double acting cylinder and 4/2 hand operated value to raise or lower the pallet truck. 100
2. Design and test a hydraulic circuit such as a hydraulic cylinder to clamp a component when a push button is pressed. If the push button is released the clamp the cylinder has to retract. 100
3. Design and test a electro pneumatic circuit for extension and retraction of double acting cylinder using 3/2 solenoid valve, 5/2 single and double solenoid value. 100
4. Design and test the circuit with double acting cylinder for the logic sequence A+B-AB+ using electro pneumatic circuit. 100
5. Design a hydraulic circuit using simulation software with a double acting cylinder and 5/2 air spring valve to open the main gate on a factory which can be controlled by a security person from a room. 100
6. Using a simulation software design a pneumatic circuit using a double acting cylinder and 5/2 spring valve to lift the carbon boxes at the loading point. 100
7. Design a pneumatic circuit for the sequence A+B+A-B- using PLC.
8. Write and simulate a program in PLC to repeat 15 times the to and fro motion of a pneumatic double acting cylinder. 100
9. Using a simulation software design a circuit for continuous reciprocating of single acting and double acting cylinder using pilot values. 100
10. Design a circuit to extend and retract the single acting cylinder with the help of delay timer controlled by PLC. 100
11. Conduct an experiment to determine the performance of a servo motor by the open loop control system. 100
12. Using PLC conduct an experiment to determine the performance of a servo motor by closed loop control system method. 100
13. Conduct an experiment to maintain the constant pressure of a pressure tank using auto PID controller. 100
14. Conduct an experiment for the closed loop operation of the temperature process control using auto PID controller and also find the Kc and Ki value of the PID controller for a particular set point. 100
15. Run the stepper motor for half step and full step resolution at different speed by using 8051 assembly language program. 100
16. Run the stepper motor in forward and reverse direction using 8051 assembly language. 100
17. Design a hydraulic circuit with single acting and double acting cylinders by manual mode using appropriate simulation software. 100
18. Design a pneumatic circuit with 3/2, 5/2 single, double solenoid value, single and double acting cylinder by automatic mode using pneumatic simulation software. 100
19. Using the computerized data logging system control the real time temperature process. 100
20. Find the characteristics of the current to pressure converter, control value and flow transmitter using computerized data logging system. 100

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