Do you search 04th Semester BBM Bangalore University Old and Model Question Papers? You can confidently look here to find April May 2015 old question paper of this university for the subject BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Feel free to collect the details of the question paper below and download as you want. Ask your query in the comment box if you have any doubt regarding getting this exam paper.
Question Paper University Name : Bangalore University
Department : B.B.M, Bachelor of Business Management
Question Paper Semester : IV / 04 / Fouth
Exam Year: April May 2015
Question Paper Code: Paper -4.2
Scheme: Semester Scheme
Subject Name of Question Paper: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
Question Paper Description : Text Version of 2015 Bangalore University 04th Semester BBM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University Question Paper April 2015
Bangalore University
IV Semester B.B.M. Examination, April May 2015
(Semester Scheme) (F+R) (2013-14 and Onwards)
Paper -4.2 : Business Research Methods
Time : 3 hours Max Marks : 100
Instruction : Answers should be written in English Only.
1. Answer any eight of the following sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks (8 x 2 = 16)
a. What is research?
b. State any two research approaches.
c. What is research problem?
d. Mention different methods of data collection.
e. What is census survey?
f. What do you mean by field work?
g. What is questionnaire?
h. Mention the types of analysis of data.
I. What is factor analysis?
J. Mention any four types of business reports.
Answer any three of the following questions. Each question carries 8 marks. (3 x 8 = 24)
2. Why is literature review conducted? Explain.
3. Distinguish between primary and secondary data.
4. Explain the significance of tabulation.
5. Discuss the essentials of business report.
Answer question N0.10 and any three of the remaining questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (4 x 15 = 60)
6. Describe the various steps involved in the formulation of research problem.
7. Briefly explain the various techniques of sampling.
8. Briefly describe the process of construction of questionnaire.
9. What is hypothesis? Explain the different types of hypothesis.
10 Explain the purpose of report writing in research. State the precautions to be taken while preparing the report.
Question Paper University Name : Bangalore University
Department : B.B.M, Bachelor of Business Management
Question Paper Semester : IV / 04 / Fouth
Exam Year: April May 2015
Question Paper Code: Paper -4.2
Scheme: Semester Scheme
Subject Name of Question Paper: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
Question Paper Description : Text Version of 2015 Bangalore University 04th Semester BBM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT University Question Paper April 2015
Bangalore University
IV Semester B.B.M. Examination, April May 2015
(Semester Scheme) (F+R) (2013-14 and Onwards)
Paper -4.2 : Business Research Methods
Time : 3 hours Max Marks : 100
Instruction : Answers should be written in English Only.
1. Answer any eight of the following sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks (8 x 2 = 16)
a. What is research?
b. State any two research approaches.
c. What is research problem?
d. Mention different methods of data collection.
e. What is census survey?
f. What do you mean by field work?
g. What is questionnaire?
h. Mention the types of analysis of data.
I. What is factor analysis?
J. Mention any four types of business reports.
Answer any three of the following questions. Each question carries 8 marks. (3 x 8 = 24)
2. Why is literature review conducted? Explain.
3. Distinguish between primary and secondary data.
4. Explain the significance of tabulation.
5. Discuss the essentials of business report.
Answer question N0.10 and any three of the remaining questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (4 x 15 = 60)
6. Describe the various steps involved in the formulation of research problem.
7. Briefly explain the various techniques of sampling.
8. Briefly describe the process of construction of questionnaire.
9. What is hypothesis? Explain the different types of hypothesis.
10 Explain the purpose of report writing in research. State the precautions to be taken while preparing the report.
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