Friday, October 16, 2015

CBSE Kendriya Vidyalaya Jabalpur VII Class Science 2013 Question paper

Are you looking for SCIENCE subject KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA 1STC JABALPUR  Question Papers? Get now 2013 old question paper of this CSBE board for the subject Science. Read the details of the question paper below and download the full question paper from the contents uploaded here.

Class : VII class
Question Paper Code: Not Applicable
Subject Name of Question Paper: SCIENCE
Question Paper Description : Text Version of 2013 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA 1STC JABALPUR VII class SCIENCE CBSE Question Paper 2013

TIME : 2.30 HRS
M.M: 60

SECTION – “A” 20 Marks
Q.1 Choose the correct answer.       9X1=9
i) Amarbel is an example of
a) Autorophs   b) Parasite   c) Saprotroph   d) Host
ii) The digestive food is absorbed in
a) Large Intestine   b) Stomach   c) Liver   d) Small Intestine
iii) Which of the following is animal fiber?
a) Cotton   b) Silk   c) Polyester   d) Jute
iv)Name the device which is use to measure temperature
a) Monometer   b) Thermometer   c) Barometer   d) Voltmeter
v) Sting of an ant contains
a) Vinegar   b) Common Salt   c) Formic Acid   d) Milk of Magnesia
vi) In which type of change a new substance is formed
a) Physical Change   b) Chemical Change   c) Both of these   d) None of these
vii) Maximum temperature of the day occurs generally in
a) Afternoon   b) When the sun rises   c) When the sun sets   d) In the evening
viii) The wind from oceans which carry water and barring rain are called
a) Cyclone   b) Typhoon   c) Monsoon   d) None of these
ix) Which of the following does not cause soil erosion?
a) Deforestation   b) Flood   c) Overgrazing   d) Weathering of rocks

Q.2 Fill in the blanks 7X1=7
i) In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment is called __________.
ii) The largest gland of human body is ___________.
iii) The hair of sheep is called ____________.
iv)No medium is required for transfer of heat by the process of __________.
v) Acetic acid is present in ____________.
vi)Moving air is called ____________.
vii) Soil is formed by _________ of rock.

Q.3 Answer in one word  4X1=4
i) The process by which green plant can prepare their food ________.
ii) An example of insectivorous plant ___________.
iii) Juice secreted by salivary gland ___________.
iv)Metal is used in the bulb of thermometer _________.

SECTION – B 30 Marks
Q.4 Answer in one sentence 1X6=6
1) What is nutrition?
2) What are Villi?
3) From which plants litmus is extracted?
4) What do you mean by rusting?
5) What is humidity?
6) Name different type of soil?

Q.5 Name two of the following 2X6=12
i) Name two components of food.
ii) Two example of blood sucking insects.
iii) Types of teeth present in human beings.
iv)Two examples of acids.
v) Two natural indicators.

Q.6 Answer the following questions 2X4=8
i) Write two differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
ii) Give two differences between acids and bases.
iii) Give reason
a) An antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity.
iv)State any two differences between clinical and laboratory thermometer.

Q.7 Draw well labeled diagram of soil profile. 4 marks

SECTION – C (10 Marks)
Q.8 Answer the following. 3X2=6
1) Match the column
i) Land breeze blows during a) summer
ii) Sea breeze blows during                       b) winter
iii) Dark colored cloths are                             c) Day
Preferred during
iv)Light colored cloths are                     d) Night
Preferred during

2) Describe the process of neutralization with an example.
3) When baking soda is mixed with lemon juice, bubbles are formed with the evolution of a gas. What type of a change is it? Explain.
4) When we put an iron blade in copper sulphate solution. The copper sulphate reacts with iron and give iron sulphate and copper.
CuSo4 + Fe          FeSo4 + Cu
i) What is the color of copper sulphate solution?
ii) What is the color of blade after reaction?
iii) What is the color of iron sulphate solution?
iv) What type of change is this?

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