Looking for Computer graphics Thiruvalluvar University question papers? Find 2007 old question paper below.
University / Exam Board: Thiruvalluvar University
B.C.A Computer Application
Subject: Computer graphics
Time: Three hours
Maximum:100 marks
PART A - (5 x 8=40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe the various hard copy devices.
2. Explain working principle of Plasma -Panel displays.
3. What are the attributes of line style?
4. Explain the matrix representation of transformation with an example.
5. Write a note on window-to-viewport devices.
6. Write the logical classification of input devices.
7. Explain the parallel and perspective projections.
8. Explain the Z-buffer method of hidden surface elimination.
PART B - (3 x 20=60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carrry equal marks.
9. Discuss the different line drawing algorithms.
10. Explain the concept of 'Area folling'.
11. Explain the clipping algorithms.
12. Elaborate on the 'three dimensional transformations.
13. Discuss the basic functions of depth-sorting method
University / Exam Board: Thiruvalluvar University
B.C.A Computer Application
Subject: Computer graphics
Time: Three hours
Maximum:100 marks
PART A - (5 x 8=40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe the various hard copy devices.
2. Explain working principle of Plasma -Panel displays.
3. What are the attributes of line style?
4. Explain the matrix representation of transformation with an example.
5. Write a note on window-to-viewport devices.
6. Write the logical classification of input devices.
7. Explain the parallel and perspective projections.
8. Explain the Z-buffer method of hidden surface elimination.
PART B - (3 x 20=60 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
All questions carrry equal marks.
9. Discuss the different line drawing algorithms.
10. Explain the concept of 'Area folling'.
11. Explain the clipping algorithms.
12. Elaborate on the 'three dimensional transformations.
13. Discuss the basic functions of depth-sorting method
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