Thursday, October 8, 2015

CS 2406 OPEN SOURCE LAB Anna University Question Paper Set 1

Anna University: Chennai -600 025
Subject Code with Title : CS 2406 OPEN SOURCE LAB
Question Paper with Answers
Max Marks :100

Question Paper Set I

1.  How to configure, compile and install Linux kernel from source  (100)

2.  Access the latest kernel source code from , compile the kernel and install in the local   system. (100)

3.  Install Virtualization setup with xen system in ubuntu virtual machine  (100)

4.  Install Virtualization setup with kqemu system in BSD virtual machine (100)

5.  Build auto*family , cmake systems that include autoconf, automake. (100)

6.  Build,maintain and serve RPM package repository over http and configure the client machines to access this repository. (100)

7.  Build,maintain and serve DEB package repository over ftp and configure the client machines to access this repository . (100)

8.  Install,update and remove SAMBA software on GNU (100)

9.  Install,update and remove CUPS software on Linux. (100)

10. Write a simple userspace driver code using FUSE (100)

11. Write GUI programs using FOSS tools in Linux  (100)

12. Setup a version control system for managing files using SVN (100)

13. Setup a version control system for managing files using RCS (100)

14. Setup a version control system for managing files using CVS (100)

15. How to do some common text processing tasks using Perl. (100)

16. Program in PHP by setting a LAMP stack  (100)

17. Write a simple Python program using MYSQL database (100)

18. Set up Network Interface using 'ifconfig' command and the related system files (100)

19. With PHP include the request for user input and the response in the same file, using conditional statements to tell PHP which one to show. (100)

20. Install, update and remove CUPS software on GNU  (100)

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