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Anna University , Chennai
Department of Information Technology
Sixth Semester
CS2357 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
(Regulation 2008)
VIVA Questions with Answers
Anna University Chennai and Its Affiliated Colleges
1. Define Object Oriented Analysis?
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) is a method of analysis that examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain.
2. What is meant by Object Oriented?
Object Oriented means we organize the software as a collection of discrete objects that incorporate both data structure and behavior.
3. Write the characteristics of an object.
Identity, classification, polymorphism, and inheritance.
4. What is a class?
A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior.
5. Name two types of object diagram.
Class diagram and instance diagram.
6. What is an attribute? Give example.
An attribute is a data value held by the objects in a class .Example: name, age and weight are attributes of Person class.
7. What is multiple inheritance?
When one class inherits its state (attributes) and behavior from more than one super class, it is referred to as multiple inheritances.
8. What is dynamic binding?
The process of determining (dynamically) at run time which functions to invoke is termed dynamic binding.
9. What is static binding?
The process of determining at compile time which functions to invoke is termed static binding.
10. Write the four quality measures for software development?
Correspondence, correctness, verification, and validation.
11. What is object persistence?
Objects have life time. They are created and can exist for a period of time. A file or a database can provide support for objects having a longer life time longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This characteristic is called object persistence.
12. What is polymorphism? Give an example.
Polymorphism means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes. Ex. Move operation. (Behave differently on the window class and chess Piece class).
13. What is cardinality?
Cardinality specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class.
14. What is a formal class or abstract class?
Formal or abstract classes have no instances but define the common behaviors that can be inherited by more specific classes.
15. What is a meta-class?
A meta-class is a class about a class. They are normally used to provide instance variables and operations.
16. Define Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior.
17. What is the need of an Object diagram?
An object diagram is used to show the existence of objects and their relationships in the logical design of a system.
18. What is state of an object?
The state of an object encompasses all of the properties of the object plus the current values of each of these properties.
19. Write some applications of object model?
They include Air traffic control, Animation, Avionics, Database, Robotics etc.
20. Define Concurrency.
Concurrency is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not active.
21. Name the three general approaches for classification?
They are Classical categorization, Conceptual clustering and Prototype theory.
22. Name the five levels of process maturity in OOD?
They are Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized.
23. Name the two process used by Grady BOOCH in his OO software development?
They are Macro and Micro development process.
24. Name the four steps in Micro development process?
They are Identify the classes and objects, Give semantics to the classes, Identify class and object relationships, Identify class and object interfaces and implementation.
25. What are the steps followed in macro development process?
Conceptualization, analysis and development of the model, Design or create the system architecture, evolution or implementation, maintenance.
26. Short notes on OMT functional model.
OMT functional model uses dataflow diagram that shows the flow of data between different processes in a business .Data flow diagrams use four primary symbols. They are process, data flow, data store, external entity.
27. Names the diagrams of Booch Methodology.
Class diagram, object diagram, state transition diagram, module diagram, process diagram, interaction diagram.
28. Name the models in objectory.
Use case model, domain object model, analysis object model, implementation model, test model.
29. What is unified modeling language?
Unified modeling language is a language for specifying, conducting, visualizing and documenting the software system and its components.
30. Name the available layers of the three layered approach to software development.
Business layer, access layer, view (user interface) layer.
31. Write the two responsibilities of access layer?
Translate Request, Translate result.
32. Write any two advantages of modeling?
The main reason for modeling is the reduction of complexity. The cost of the modeling analysis is much lower than the cost of similar experimentation conducted with real time.
33. What is Objectory?
Objectory, is a method or object-oriented development with the specific aim to fit the development of large, real-time systems.
34. Define Static model?
It can be viewed as a snapshot of a system’s parameters at rest or a specific point in time. They are needed to represent the structural or static aspect of a system.
35. Define Dynamic model?
It can be viewed as a collection of procedures or behaviors that taken together reflect the behavior of a system over time. Dynamic modeling is the most useful during the design and implementation phases of the system development.
36. What is an association? Give one example.
An association is the relationship between the classes. Ex person and company are the classes, works-for is the association name.
37. What is a qualifier? Give one example.
A qualifier is an association attribute. The qualifier rectangle is part of the association path, not part of the class.
38. What is a method?
A method is the implementation of an operation for a class.
39. What is a use case?
Use cases are scenarios for understanding system requirements. A use case is an interaction between users and a system.
40. Name the three types of relationships in a use case diagram.
Communication, Uses, extends.
41. Write the two types of Implementation diagram?
Component diagram, deployment diagram.
42. What is an activity?
An activity is a set of operations that is executing during the entire period an object is in a state.
43. Name the types of relationships among the objects.
Association, super-sub structure, aggregation.
44. Write the guidelines for identifying the associations
A dependency between two or more classes may be association. A reference from one class to another is an association.
45. Name the two properties of a part of relationship.
Transitivity, Anti symmetry.
46. Write the Guidelines for identifying part of relationship.
Assembly, container, collection member
47. Define Prototype?
A prototype is a version of a software product developed in the early stages of the product’s life cycle for specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables you to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the features of the system.
48. Name the types of attributes.
Single value attribute, Multiplicity or multivalue attributes, Reference to another object or instance connection.
49. Write the syntax for presenting the attribute that was suggested by UML.
visibility name : type_expression = initial _value
Where visibility is one of the following
+ public visibility
# protected visibility
- private visibility
type_expression - type of an attribute
Initial_value is a language dependent expression for the initial value of a newly created object.
50. What is a Façade?
Facade classes are the public classes in a package for public behavior.
51. What is the need of an Interaction diagram?
An Interaction diagram is used to trace the exception of a scenario in the same context of an object diagram.
53. What is the need of a Class diagram?
A class diagram is used to show the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system.
54. What is Behavior of an object?
Behavior is how an object acts and reacts in terms of its state changes and message passing.
55. Define forward engineering and revere engineering.
Forward engineering means creating a relational schema from an existing object model. Reverse engineering means creating an object model from an existing relational database layout (schema).
56. What are traditional development methodologies?
Most traditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric or data centric. In an algorithmic centric methodology, you think of an algorithm that can accomplish the task, then build data structures for that algorithms to use. In data centric methodology, you think how to structure the data, then build algorithms around that structure.
57. What is Object Oriented development methodology?
In object oriented environment, software is a collection of discrete objects that encapsulate their data and the functionality to model the real world “objects”. The object oriented life cycle encourages a view of the world as a system of cooperative and collaborating agents.
58. How messages are different from methods?
Messages essentially are non-specific function calls. Amessage is different from a subroutine call,since different objects can responds to same message in different ways. A message differs from function in that a function says how to do something and message sasys what to do.
59. What is the distinction between traditional development methodologies and object oriented development methodologies?
Traditional approach focuses on functions of the system where as object oriented approach centers on object which is the combination of data and functionality.
60. What are the advantages of object oriented approach?
a) Higher levels of abstraction
b) Seamless transition among different phases of software development
c) Encouragement of good programming techniques
d) Promotion of reusability
61. What is Unified Approach(UA)?
UA is based on methodologies by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson which combines best practices, processes, and guidelines along with OMG’s Unified Modelling Language(UML)
Anna University , Chennai
Department of Information Technology
Sixth Semester
CS2357 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
(Regulation 2008)
VIVA Questions with Answers
Anna University Chennai and Its Affiliated Colleges
1. Define Object Oriented Analysis?
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) is a method of analysis that examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain.
2. What is meant by Object Oriented?
Object Oriented means we organize the software as a collection of discrete objects that incorporate both data structure and behavior.
3. Write the characteristics of an object.
Identity, classification, polymorphism, and inheritance.
4. What is a class?
A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior.
5. Name two types of object diagram.
Class diagram and instance diagram.
6. What is an attribute? Give example.
An attribute is a data value held by the objects in a class .Example: name, age and weight are attributes of Person class.
7. What is multiple inheritance?
When one class inherits its state (attributes) and behavior from more than one super class, it is referred to as multiple inheritances.
8. What is dynamic binding?
The process of determining (dynamically) at run time which functions to invoke is termed dynamic binding.
9. What is static binding?
The process of determining at compile time which functions to invoke is termed static binding.
10. Write the four quality measures for software development?
Correspondence, correctness, verification, and validation.
11. What is object persistence?
Objects have life time. They are created and can exist for a period of time. A file or a database can provide support for objects having a longer life time longer than the duration of the process for which they were created. This characteristic is called object persistence.
12. What is polymorphism? Give an example.
Polymorphism means that the same operation may behave differently on different classes. Ex. Move operation. (Behave differently on the window class and chess Piece class).
13. What is cardinality?
Cardinality specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of an associated class.
14. What is a formal class or abstract class?
Formal or abstract classes have no instances but define the common behaviors that can be inherited by more specific classes.
15. What is a meta-class?
A meta-class is a class about a class. They are normally used to provide instance variables and operations.
16. Define Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior.
17. What is the need of an Object diagram?
An object diagram is used to show the existence of objects and their relationships in the logical design of a system.
18. What is state of an object?
The state of an object encompasses all of the properties of the object plus the current values of each of these properties.
19. Write some applications of object model?
They include Air traffic control, Animation, Avionics, Database, Robotics etc.
20. Define Concurrency.
Concurrency is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not active.
21. Name the three general approaches for classification?
They are Classical categorization, Conceptual clustering and Prototype theory.
22. Name the five levels of process maturity in OOD?
They are Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimized.
23. Name the two process used by Grady BOOCH in his OO software development?
They are Macro and Micro development process.
24. Name the four steps in Micro development process?
They are Identify the classes and objects, Give semantics to the classes, Identify class and object relationships, Identify class and object interfaces and implementation.
25. What are the steps followed in macro development process?
Conceptualization, analysis and development of the model, Design or create the system architecture, evolution or implementation, maintenance.
26. Short notes on OMT functional model.
OMT functional model uses dataflow diagram that shows the flow of data between different processes in a business .Data flow diagrams use four primary symbols. They are process, data flow, data store, external entity.
27. Names the diagrams of Booch Methodology.
Class diagram, object diagram, state transition diagram, module diagram, process diagram, interaction diagram.
28. Name the models in objectory.
Use case model, domain object model, analysis object model, implementation model, test model.
29. What is unified modeling language?
Unified modeling language is a language for specifying, conducting, visualizing and documenting the software system and its components.
30. Name the available layers of the three layered approach to software development.
Business layer, access layer, view (user interface) layer.
31. Write the two responsibilities of access layer?
Translate Request, Translate result.
32. Write any two advantages of modeling?
The main reason for modeling is the reduction of complexity. The cost of the modeling analysis is much lower than the cost of similar experimentation conducted with real time.
33. What is Objectory?
Objectory, is a method or object-oriented development with the specific aim to fit the development of large, real-time systems.
34. Define Static model?
It can be viewed as a snapshot of a system’s parameters at rest or a specific point in time. They are needed to represent the structural or static aspect of a system.
35. Define Dynamic model?
It can be viewed as a collection of procedures or behaviors that taken together reflect the behavior of a system over time. Dynamic modeling is the most useful during the design and implementation phases of the system development.
36. What is an association? Give one example.
An association is the relationship between the classes. Ex person and company are the classes, works-for is the association name.
37. What is a qualifier? Give one example.
A qualifier is an association attribute. The qualifier rectangle is part of the association path, not part of the class.
38. What is a method?
A method is the implementation of an operation for a class.
39. What is a use case?
Use cases are scenarios for understanding system requirements. A use case is an interaction between users and a system.
40. Name the three types of relationships in a use case diagram.
Communication, Uses, extends.
41. Write the two types of Implementation diagram?
Component diagram, deployment diagram.
42. What is an activity?
An activity is a set of operations that is executing during the entire period an object is in a state.
43. Name the types of relationships among the objects.
Association, super-sub structure, aggregation.
44. Write the guidelines for identifying the associations
A dependency between two or more classes may be association. A reference from one class to another is an association.
45. Name the two properties of a part of relationship.
Transitivity, Anti symmetry.
46. Write the Guidelines for identifying part of relationship.
Assembly, container, collection member
47. Define Prototype?
A prototype is a version of a software product developed in the early stages of the product’s life cycle for specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables you to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the features of the system.
48. Name the types of attributes.
Single value attribute, Multiplicity or multivalue attributes, Reference to another object or instance connection.
49. Write the syntax for presenting the attribute that was suggested by UML.
visibility name : type_expression = initial _value
Where visibility is one of the following
+ public visibility
# protected visibility
- private visibility
type_expression - type of an attribute
Initial_value is a language dependent expression for the initial value of a newly created object.
50. What is a Façade?
Facade classes are the public classes in a package for public behavior.
51. What is the need of an Interaction diagram?
An Interaction diagram is used to trace the exception of a scenario in the same context of an object diagram.
53. What is the need of a Class diagram?
A class diagram is used to show the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system.
54. What is Behavior of an object?
Behavior is how an object acts and reacts in terms of its state changes and message passing.
55. Define forward engineering and revere engineering.
Forward engineering means creating a relational schema from an existing object model. Reverse engineering means creating an object model from an existing relational database layout (schema).
56. What are traditional development methodologies?
Most traditional development methodologies are either algorithm centric or data centric. In an algorithmic centric methodology, you think of an algorithm that can accomplish the task, then build data structures for that algorithms to use. In data centric methodology, you think how to structure the data, then build algorithms around that structure.
57. What is Object Oriented development methodology?
In object oriented environment, software is a collection of discrete objects that encapsulate their data and the functionality to model the real world “objects”. The object oriented life cycle encourages a view of the world as a system of cooperative and collaborating agents.
58. How messages are different from methods?
Messages essentially are non-specific function calls. Amessage is different from a subroutine call,since different objects can responds to same message in different ways. A message differs from function in that a function says how to do something and message sasys what to do.
59. What is the distinction between traditional development methodologies and object oriented development methodologies?
Traditional approach focuses on functions of the system where as object oriented approach centers on object which is the combination of data and functionality.
60. What are the advantages of object oriented approach?
a) Higher levels of abstraction
b) Seamless transition among different phases of software development
c) Encouragement of good programming techniques
d) Promotion of reusability
61. What is Unified Approach(UA)?
UA is based on methodologies by Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson which combines best practices, processes, and guidelines along with OMG’s Unified Modelling Language(UML)
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