Tuesday, October 27, 2015

CS6504 Computer Graphics BE CSE Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

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Anna University, Chennai
Department of B.E CSE
Fifth Semester
CS6504 Computer Graphics
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2013)

IndianUniversityQuestionPapers Important Questions
Anna University, Chennai
Department of B.E- CSE
CS6504 Computer Graphics

1. Explain (a) Direct View Storage Tubes (b) Flat Panel Displays (c) Liquid Crystal Displays

2. Explain the Various Input Devices

3. Explain Ellipse generating Algorithm?

4. Calculate the pixel location approximating the first octant of a circle having centre at (4,5) and radius 4 units using Bresenham's algorithm

5. Explain the following basic two dimensional geometric transformations (i)Translation (ii) Rotation

6. Write about Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm with an example

7. Write about Nlcholl-Lee -Nicholl Line clipping algorithm

8. Explain (i) General Pivot point rotation (ii) General Fixed Point Scaling (iii) General Pivot Point Rotation

9. With suitable examples explain all 30 transformations

10. Explain about 3D object representation.

11. Write short notes on the following hidden surface elimination methods(i)Scan line Method (ii)
Painter’s algorithm (iii) BSP-tree method (iv) Area subdivision method

12. Explain the three dimensional display methods

13. Explain in detail the CMY color model.

14. Write notes on RGB and HSV color models.

15. Explain in detail Gouraud shading

16. Explain in detail about the properties of light and draw chromaticity diagram

17. What is Animation? What are the various animation techniques?

18. What is tweening ?Explain in detail about motion tween with an example

19. What is Self squaring fractal .Explain in detail Mandelbrot Set and Julia setin detail

20. Write in detail about Peano curves
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