Friday, October 2, 2015

Data Structures 2010 Question Paper Guru Nanak Dev University

Guru Nanak Dev University
B.Sc Information Technology
Data Structures
2010 Question Paper
Time: 3 Hrs
Minimum Marks:100.
Note:- Attempt any five questions, each carry equal marks.
1. What do you mean by arrays? How to represent an array in memory? Explain Binary search technique with algorithm.20
2. Explain:
(a) Time space trade off
(b) Algorithm complexity 20
3. (a) Write an algorithm to insert an item in sorted linked list.10
(b) Algorithm on linear search.10
4. What do you mean by BST? Explain in detail. How we can insert an item in BST when location is not given?20
5. Write Algorithm on:
(a) Bubble sort
(b) Insert and delete element in queue.20
6. What is Heap Tree? Write an algorithm to sort elements by using Heapsort method and its complexity.
7. (a) Write an algorithm on quicksort technique.
(b) Write an algorithm to convert Arithmetic expression from infix notation to reverse polish notation.20
8. (a) Explain Priority and dequeues.
(b) Overflow an underflow conditions. 20
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