Saturday, October 10, 2015

Data structures and C Programming Thiruvalluvar University BCA 2006 Question Paper

Want to study the important questions in Thiruvalluvar University old question papers? You can collect here the one asked in April May 2006 for a subject named Data structures and C Programming. It will come under the course BCA Computer Applications. It is a three years course. Get the original contents of the question paper below. Share this post via FB, Whatsapp if you are help-minded.

Thiruvalluvar University Question Paper
Course:  B.C.A Computer Application
Question Paper Subject: Data structures and C Programming
APRIL/MAY 2006 Question Paper CAE
Time: Three hours
Maximum marks: 100 marks

PART A - (5 x 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the while and do....while statements

2. Give a brief account on functions in C..

3. Explain with example any four string handling functions.

4. Explain array with examples in C.

5. Explain how infix and postfix expressions are evaluated..

6. Write about singly linked list.

7. Give brief account on Hashing.

8. Write about binary tree and its operations..

PART B ( 3 x 20 = 60 marks)

9. Explain Dynamic memory allocation in C.

10. Write about input/output operations on files in C.

11. Discuss in detail about stack and queue.

12. Explain how linked list can be used for polynomial addition.

13. Explain:
(a) Graph traversals
(b) Tree traversals
(c) Shortest path.
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