Wednesday, October 7, 2015

EC0203-ELECTRON DEVICES SRM University 2012 Question Paper

EC0203-ELECTRON DEVICES question paper is available below. Get 3rd semester SRM University question paper conducted in the year 2012 is provided. Collect your question paper right now and prepare for your exams. Help your friends by sharing this post.

SRM University
Third Semester
(for candidates admitted from the year 2007-2008 onwards)
Time:3 hours Max.Marks:100
Answer All Questions
Part-A (10*2=20Marks)
1. Define built-in potential.
2. What is tunneling effect?
3. find the electron drift current density of the n-type silicon bar applied with a 5 V/cm. The doping concentration is 5*10^20 cm6-3 and the mobility of electron is 1300 cm^2/V-s at 300 degree kelvin?
4. Differentiate drift and Diffusion current.
5. What are the effects of base-width modulation ?
6. What is photoluminescence? give example.
7. Draw the basic structure of UJT.
8. Define voltage controlled negative resistance of tunnel diode.
9. Draw the circuit diagram of an inductor filter ad give its ripple factor.
10. Differentiate line and load regulation.
PART-B(5*16=80 MARKS)
11.a Explain the application of hall effect to determine carrier concentration and mobility in a semiconductor bar.
b (1) Discuss the temperature dependance of carrier concentration and also show that it is desirable to show the concentration by doping rather than by thermal EHP generation.
(2) What are P-type and N-type semiconductor and draw their carrier concentration diagram at thermal equillibrium.
12.a Derive I-V characteristics for a PN junction and sketch the energy band diagram. Also show the carrier concentration in active and depletion region.
b With a neat diagram, explain the operation of N-channel MOSFET under different operating conditions.
13.a Calculate ad plot the excess hole concentration in the base of a p-n-p transistor.

b Explain the operation of PIN photodiode and avalanche photodiode
14.a Give a brief note about the dynamic effect in MOS capacitor of charge transfe r devices
b Explain the working principle of TRIAC with suitable diagram
15.a For a bridge rectifier calculate the average voltage of output, load current, efficiency, and ripple factor.
b Explain the operation of SMPS with neat block diagram.
SRM University Old Previous Model Sample Question Papers.

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