Tuesday, October 27, 2015

EE2401 Power System Operation and Control BE EEE Nov Dec 2015 Important Questions

Searching for EE2401 Power System Operation and Control important questions? Collect all important university questions for this subject below. It will be useful for upcoming Anna University Examinations in Nov Dec 2015.

Anna University , Chennai
Department of B.E EEE
Seventh Semester
EE2401 Power System Operation and Control
November / December 2015 Exam Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)

IndianUniversityQuestionPapers Important Questions
Anna University, Chennai
Department of B.E-Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EE2401 Power System Operation and Control

1. A generating station has a maximum demand of 20 MW, a load factor of 60% a plant capacity factor of 48% and a plant use factor of 80%
Find the
(i) Daily energy produced
(ii) Reserve capacity of the plant
(iii) Maximum energy' that could be produced daily if the plant were running all the time and
(iv) Maximum energy that could be produced if the plant when running (acc. to operating schedule) were fully loaded.

2. Explain the important objectives of power system and various control strategies during its operation (16)

3. (i) Define the following:
(1) Hot reserve
(2) Cold reserve
(3) Spinning reserve. (6)
(ii) A. generating station has the following daily load cycle:
Time (Hours) 0-6 6-10 10-12 12-16 16-20 20-24,
Load (MW) 20 25 30 25 35 '20
Draw the load curve and calculate
(1) Maximum demand
(2) Units generated per day
(3) Average load
(4) Load factor. (10)

4. Explain Security monitoring using state estimation with necessary diagrams

5. Explain the various controls for secure operation

6. Discuss functions of SCADA in power system operation (16 marks)

7. See Question in the image provided below

8. Develop the state variable model of a two area system and State the advantages of the model.

9. Two synchronous generators operating in parallel. Their capacities are 300 MW and 400 MW.
The droop characteristics of their governor are 4% and 5% from no load to full load. Assuming that
the generators are operating at 50 Hz at no load, how would be a load Of 600 MW shared between
them. What will be the system frequency at this load? Assume free governor action.

10. With a neat block diagram. explain the single area load frequency control system. (16)

11. Draw the block diagram of uncontrolled two area load frequency control system and explain the salient features under static conditions. (16)

12. What is static VAR compensator? Where it is used? Explain its operation. Also state the merits of static VAR compensator over the other methods of voltage control. (16)

13. (i) Discuss the relation between voltage and reactive power at a node. (9)
(ii) Explain briefly the reactive power requirement for control of voltage in long radial lines. (7)

14. Draw the diagram of a typical automatic voltage regulator and develop its block diagram

15. Explain the Injection of reactive power by switched capacitors to maintain the acceptable voltage profile and to minimize the transmission loss in a power system.

16. Determine the priority list using full load average production cost for the data given below.

17. State the unit commitment problem. With the help a flow chart, explain forward dynamic programming solution method of unit commitment problem.

18. (i) Explain the priority list method for unit commitment problem. (10)
(ii) Define
(1) Minimum up time,
(2) Minimum down time
(3) Spinning reserve. (6)

19. The fuel inputs pre hour of plants 1 and 2 are given as (See image below)

Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of generation if the maximum and minimum loading on each unit is 100 MW and 25 MW. Assume the transmission losses are
ignored and the total demand is 180 MW. Also determine the saving obtained if the load is equally shared by both the units. (16)

20. Discuss the functions of ‘SCADA' in power system operation. (16)
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