Friday, October 16, 2015

J-3651 VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING UoC 2010 Question Paper

Looking for University of Calcutta Previous Old Years Question Papers Model Sample Question Papers for J-3651 VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING ? You have landed the right place where you can find an original question paper for B.Sc IT question paper of VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING asked in the year 2010

University / College Name : University of Calcutta
Question Paper Department : B.Sc Information Technology
Semester : 3rd / 4th and 6th Semesters
Year of Question Paper: 2010
Question Paper Subject Code : J-3651 [S-1507]
Question Paper Description : 2010 University of Calcutta General B.Sc Information Technology B.Sc. (IT) (Semesters - 3rd, 4th and 6th ) VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING / DEV. DESKTOP & DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION WITH VISUAL BASIC (B.Sc. (IT) - 401/604/302) University Question paper Free Download.

B.Sc. (IT) (Semester - 3rd/4th & 6th)
(B.Sc. (IT) - 401/604/302)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A
Q1) (15 X 2 = 30)
a) Give a brief introduction about Visual Basic editions.
b) Differentiate between event driven approach and procedure driven approach.
c) What are the various elements present in Visual Basic environment?
d) Write steps involved in VB application development.
e) Write step involved in starting a new project.
f) How we can change the font size and font color in Visual Basic.
g) Define variable in VB?
h) What you understand by the scope of a variable?
i) What are various data types supported by VB?
j) Give syntax for array declaration in Visual Basic.
k) Give code to put an image on VB form.
l) Give the advantages of OLEDB.
m) Give steps for creating reports in VB with Wizard?
n) What are prerequisites for working with crystal reports?
o) Give steps for setting a connection to a Data Source

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