Looking for old question paper of MATERIA MEDICA from Calicut University. Look here under to collect this question paper which was asked in the year October 2008.
University of Calicut October 2008
Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
ans all questions
Avoid repetition of identical medicines under various questions
I. Write short notes on the subsequent with 5 characteristic features of every
1. Construction of “Fragmenta De viribus medica mentosum positivus”
2. Construction of “Lecturers on Homoeopathic materia medica”
3. Condensed Materia medica
4. Drug relationship
5. Different approaches of study of materia medica (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
II. (a)Who is the pioneer in the study of family and class relationship of drugs
(b) Write the significance of synthetic and analytic studies of medicines.
(c) Write 5 common characteristic features of medicines prepared from animal kingdom
(d) Write 3 characteristic features of any 5 medicines prepared from subjects (1+ 4+ 5 + 15 = 25 marks)
III. (a) discuss “Nosodes”
(b) Write a brief history of Bowel Nosodes
(c) Write 3 characteristic features of any 7 Bowel Nosodes (1+3 + 21= 25 marks)
IV. Compare and contrast the subsequent with their 5 characteristic features :-
(a) Ars.aib and Kali-nitricum in dyspnoea.
(b) Fluoric Acid and sihcea in scar tissue affections
(c) Argentum and Mercuries group of Medicines in infectious diseases
(d) Ferruin Phos and salicylic and in arthritis
(e) Selenium and Nat mur in alopecea (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
University of Calicut October 2008
Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
ans all questions
Avoid repetition of identical medicines under various questions
I. Write short notes on the subsequent with 5 characteristic features of every
1. Construction of “Fragmenta De viribus medica mentosum positivus”
2. Construction of “Lecturers on Homoeopathic materia medica”
3. Condensed Materia medica
4. Drug relationship
5. Different approaches of study of materia medica (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
II. (a)Who is the pioneer in the study of family and class relationship of drugs
(b) Write the significance of synthetic and analytic studies of medicines.
(c) Write 5 common characteristic features of medicines prepared from animal kingdom
(d) Write 3 characteristic features of any 5 medicines prepared from subjects (1+ 4+ 5 + 15 = 25 marks)
III. (a) discuss “Nosodes”
(b) Write a brief history of Bowel Nosodes
(c) Write 3 characteristic features of any 7 Bowel Nosodes (1+3 + 21= 25 marks)
IV. Compare and contrast the subsequent with their 5 characteristic features :-
(a) Ars.aib and Kali-nitricum in dyspnoea.
(b) Fluoric Acid and sihcea in scar tissue affections
(c) Argentum and Mercuries group of Medicines in infectious diseases
(d) Ferruin Phos and salicylic and in arthritis
(e) Selenium and Nat mur in alopecea (5 x 5 = 25 marks)
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