Sunday, October 4, 2015

MG University B.Tech CSE IT Unix Shell Programming 2014 Question Paper

University : Mahatma Gandhi University Question Papers
Course: B.Tech CSE / IT
Semester: 6, sixth, VI
Year of the question paper: May 2014
Subject Code: CS 010 606 L04/IT 010 606 L03
Paper Type: Elective - I
Scheme of Question Paper: 2010 onwards

MG University


Sixth Semester

Branch : Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology

CS 010 606 L04/IT 010 606 L03-UNIX SHELL PROGRAMMING(Elective I)(CS,IT)

(New Scheme-2010 Admission onwards)


Time : Three Hours Maximum:100 Marks

Part A

Answer all questions.

Each question carries 3 marks.

1. What are the features of UNIX? Explain.

2. What is a pipe ?

3. List some applications of awk.

4. Explain the features of KORN Shell.

5. Explain the use of Telnets.

(5*3=15 marks)

Part B

Answer all questions.

Each question carries 5 marks.

6. Explain the process utilities .

7. Explain briefly with example job control.

8. Bring out the user defined functions. Explain the uses of these functions.

9. What are environmental variables ? Explain with examples.

10. Give a brief description of client server mechanisms.

(5*5=25 marks)

Part C

Answer all questions.

Each full question carries 12 marks.

11. Explain the Process utilities and Disk utilities with examples.


12. Give a brief description of UNIX File System.

13. With examples , explain Command execution and Command substitution.


14. What is a filter ? Explain the filter utilities of UNIX.

15. Using grep , explain with example how the file searching is done ?


16. With examples , discuss the applications of awk , grep and sed.

17. Discuss the features of different types of shells.


18. Explain the command history and command execution process.

19. Give a brief description of process creation and methods of sending signals to Processes.


20. Explain with proper examples the network management.

(5x12=60 marks)
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