Looking for Second Semester BUSINESS RESEARCH Nagpur University MBA Previous Question Papers? Get now 2010 old question paper of this university for the subject BUSINESS RESEARCH of MBA degree. Grab the details of the question paper below and download the full question paper as text format.
University Name : Nagpur University
Department : Master of Business Administration
Question Paper Semester : II
Exam Year: 2010
Question Paper Code: MDN/KS/Q9 - 1874-A
Regulation of Course: Not Applicable
Subject Name of Question Paper: BUSINESS RESEARCH
Question Paper Description : Scanned Version of 2010 University of Pune Second SemesterMBA BUSINESS RESEARCH University Question Paper 2010
MDN/KS/Q9 - 1874-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
Paper IV
Time : Three Hours
Max. Marks : 80
N. B. : (1) Attempt five questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a lucid note on "the relevance of research in management"
2. What do you understand by research design ? Explain the types of research designs with examples.
3. Explain stratified sampling and Quota sampling with examples.
4. What are the different methods of measurement : Describe them with examples.
5. Design a questionnaire to evaluate consumer satisfaction/service quality for the Vodafone ustomer Care Centre.
6. Explain the various types of non sampling errors. How can these errors be minimised ?
7. Write a notes on :
(a) Cluster Analysis
(b) Multi Dimensional Scaling
8. (a) Distinguish between Type I and Type II error.
(b) What are the factors determining the choice of the appropriate statistical technique for hypothesis testing ?
9. What do you understand by interpretation of data ? Illustrate the types of mistakes which frequently occur in interpretation.
10. Design a research plan for the following :
Blue star cycles Ltd. intends to launch New Bicycles and wants to position it as a means of improving physical fitness as well as reducing air pollution
University Name : Nagpur University
Department : Master of Business Administration
Question Paper Semester : II
Exam Year: 2010
Question Paper Code: MDN/KS/Q9 - 1874-A
Regulation of Course: Not Applicable
Subject Name of Question Paper: BUSINESS RESEARCH
Question Paper Description : Scanned Version of 2010 University of Pune Second SemesterMBA BUSINESS RESEARCH University Question Paper 2010
MDN/KS/Q9 - 1874-A
Second Semester Master of Business Administration (M. B. A.) Examination
(New Course)
Paper IV
Time : Three Hours
Max. Marks : 80
N. B. : (1) Attempt five questions. Atleast two questions from each section are compulsory. (2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a lucid note on "the relevance of research in management"
2. What do you understand by research design ? Explain the types of research designs with examples.
3. Explain stratified sampling and Quota sampling with examples.
4. What are the different methods of measurement : Describe them with examples.
5. Design a questionnaire to evaluate consumer satisfaction/service quality for the Vodafone ustomer Care Centre.
6. Explain the various types of non sampling errors. How can these errors be minimised ?
7. Write a notes on :
(a) Cluster Analysis
(b) Multi Dimensional Scaling
8. (a) Distinguish between Type I and Type II error.
(b) What are the factors determining the choice of the appropriate statistical technique for hypothesis testing ?
9. What do you understand by interpretation of data ? Illustrate the types of mistakes which frequently occur in interpretation.
10. Design a research plan for the following :
Blue star cycles Ltd. intends to launch New Bicycles and wants to position it as a means of improving physical fitness as well as reducing air pollution
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