Would you like to collect POLITY, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY old question papers? Get May 2015 question paper for this subject under GITAM University here. Read the header portion of the question paper and then go to the images and get question papers.
GITAM University
B.Com. & B.A. Degree Examination
I YEAR Question Paper
May 2015 Question Paper
(Effective from the admitted batch 2012-13)
(Common for B.A. all groups and B.Com.)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Instructions: All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
Multiple Choice Questions: (15×1=15)
1) English East India Company established in the year
a) 1600 b) 1601 c) 1602 d) 1603
2) Who is the founder of Brahma Samaj?
a) Rama Krishna b) Vivekananda c) Raja Ramamohan Roy d) Devi
3) Anibesent belonging to which country
a) Italy b ) Ireland³ c) England d) Germany
4) Where Indian National Congress established?
a) Calcutta b) Madras c) Hyderabad d) Bombay
5) The first Chief Minister of Hyderabad State
a) B.Ramakrishna Rao b) B.N. Rao c) Gopal Reddy d) P.Narasimha Rao
6) The treaty between Andhra and Rayalasema is called
a) Sagar b) Krishna c) Sri Bagh d) Nandi
GITAM University
B.Com. & B.A. Degree Examination
I YEAR Question Paper
May 2015 Question Paper
(Effective from the admitted batch 2012-13)
(Common for B.A. all groups and B.Com.)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 70
Instructions: All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only. Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
Multiple Choice Questions: (15×1=15)
1) English East India Company established in the year
a) 1600 b) 1601 c) 1602 d) 1603
2) Who is the founder of Brahma Samaj?
a) Rama Krishna b) Vivekananda c) Raja Ramamohan Roy d) Devi
3) Anibesent belonging to which country
a) Italy b ) Ireland³ c) England d) Germany
4) Where Indian National Congress established?
a) Calcutta b) Madras c) Hyderabad d) Bombay
5) The first Chief Minister of Hyderabad State
a) B.Ramakrishna Rao b) B.N. Rao c) Gopal Reddy d) P.Narasimha Rao
6) The treaty between Andhra and Rayalasema is called
a) Sagar b) Krishna c) Sri Bagh d) Nandi
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