Thursday, October 1, 2015

Solapur University B.Sc Immunology 2015 Question Paper

Solapur University
B.Sc. – II (Semester – III) Examination, 2015
Immune Effector Mechanisms – II
Day and Date : Friday, 8-5-2015 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentence again : 10
1) Secondary Immune response is characterised by the production of
_____________ types of antibodies.
a) IgG b) IgM
c) IgA d) IgD
2) Live attenuated vaccines can develop _____________ types of immunity.
a) Humoral b) Cellular
c) Both humoral and cellular d) None of these
3) The antigens involved in the rejection of graft are called _____________
a) Autoantigens b) Heterophile antigen
c) MHC antigens d) Proantigens
4) BCG vaccine is _____________
a) Live attenuated b) Killed
c) Toxoid d) Recombinant
5) Rheumatoid arthritis is _____________ type of autoimmune disease.
a) Organ specific b) Non-organ specific
c) Hemolytic d) None of these
6) Passive immunisation is done by using _____________
a) Vaccines b) Toxoids
c) Immunesera d) Toxins
7) _____________ antibody is called as reagin type.
a) IgG b) IgM
c) IgD d) IgE
8) Pollen grains acts as allergen entered into body of host via _____________
a) Urinogenital b) Respiratory
c) Gastrointestinal d) None of these
9) Second dose of same antigen enters into body of the host in hypersensitivity
is called as _____________
a) Priming dose b) Sensitising dose
c) Shocking dose d) None of these
10) The blood group determining antigens are present on _____________
a) WBCs b) RBCs
c) Platelets d) None of these
2. Answer any five of the following : 10
1) Define acquired immunity and give its types.
2) Define and explain vaccination.
3) Define and explain isograft.
4) Define precipitation and agglutination.
5) Write applications of monoclonal antibodies.
6) Give Gell and Coomb’s classification of hypersensitivity reactions.
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3. A) Answer any two of the following : 6
1) Explain mechanism of phagocytosis.
2) Explain Live-attenuated vaccines with an example.
3) Write an applications of monoclonal antibodies.
B) Explain physical barriers of immune system. 4
4. Answer any two of the following : 10
a) Write in brief on monoclonal antibody synthesis.
b) Write the general mechanism of autoimmunity.
c) Explain B cell maturation, activation and differentiation.
5. Write any two of the following : 10
a) Explain ABO and Rh blood group system and its significance.
b) Write in brief on anaphylaxis.
c) Write in brief on mechanism of allograft rejection.
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