Thursday, October 1, 2015

Solapur University B.Sc Taxonomy (Paper – I) 2015 Question Paper

Solapur University
B.Sc. – I (Biotechnology) (Semester – II) Examination, 2015
Taxonomy (Paper – I)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 28-4-2015 Max. Marks : 50
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures in right indicate full marks.
1. Rewrite the complete sentence by selecting appropriate alternatives gives : 10
1) Gymnosperms have been placed in between dicot and monocot in the
classification of plants by _________________
a) Charles E. Bessey b) Benthum and Hooker
c) Alfred Rendle d) Hutchinson
2) Fungi are classified according to _________________ system of
a) Anisworth b) Benthum
c) Hooker d) de Candolle
3) The science which deals with identification, classification and nomenclature
called as _________________
a) Physiology b) Anatomy
c) Taxonomy d) Paleobotany
4) Rickettsia are _________________
a) gram negative b) gram positive
c) both d) none
5) The phylum Arthropoda is classified into _________________ subphyla
a) 7 b) 8 c) 9 d) 4
SLR-M – 27 -2-
6) Scientific names are always written in _________________
a) Marathi b) Latin
c) English d) Hindi
7) Collection of plant, which are dried, pressed, mounted on herbarium sheet
called as _________________
a) Herbarium b) Collection
c) Nomenclature d) Both a) and c)
8) _________________ system of classification used while classifying
a) G. M. Smith b) Candolle
c) Darwin d) Batson
9) Original herbarium prepared by the author called as _________________
a) Holotype b) Neotype
c) Lectotype d) Isotype
10) Full form of IUCN _________________
a) Internation Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural resources
b) International Union for Conservation of Nature
c) International Union for Conservation of Natural resources
d) None
2. Write short answer (any five) : 10
1) Numerical Taxonomy
2) General characters of mycoplasma
3) Economic importance of fungi
4) Principle of ICBN
5) Any 2 methods of typification
6) General characters of Bryophytes.
-3- SLR-M – 27
3. A) Write a short note on (any two) : 6
1) Merits of Benthum and Hookers system.
2) Outline classification of Bryophytes.
3) Give the difference between 2, 3, and 5 kingdom system.
B) Write distinguishing features of algae with fungi. 4
4. Write a brief note on (any two) : 10
1) General characteristics of Archebacteria.
2) Outline classification up to the class of Angiosperms.
3) Bionomial nomenclature.
5. Write a brief note on : 10
1) Write in detail outline classification up to the class of kingdom protochordata.
2) Describe in detail merits and demerits of Benthum and Hookers system of
3) Describe in detail general characteristics and economic importance of angiosperms.
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