Thursday, October 1, 2015

Solapur University ENGLISH COMPULSORY (On Track), 2015 Question Papers,

Solapur University
B.Sc. – I (Biotechnology) (Semester – II) (New) (CGPA Pattern)
Examination, 2015
English Skills for Success
Day and Date : Monday, 20-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
 N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Rewrite the following sentences by choosing the correct alternative given below
each : 14
1) Wernher Von Braun is known as the father of __________
a) Rocketry b) PSLV
c) SLV-3 d) V-2 missiles
2) To succeed is any mission, says Dr. Kalam, one needs ___________
a) Single handed victory b) Single man’s devotion
c) Single attempt success d) Single minded devotion
3) On which day was the first session of the Parliament of Religion scheduled
to begin ?
a) On May 31, 1893 b) On September 11, 1893
c) On September 21, 1894 d) On May 31, 1894
4) After discovering ‘his purse was nearly empty’ what did Vivekananda do ?
a) He held on to whatever money was left
b) He met with Mr. J. H. Wright and asked him to help him out
c) He begged on the roads for money
d) He travelled to Boston with what was left
5) The Lusaka Zoo presents __________ as the world’s most dangerous animal.
a) Man b) Woman
c) Carnivorous animals d) Reptiles
SLR-M – 15 -2-
6) To find out if a society is civilized, we have to check ___________
a) Whether there is material progress
b) Whether all the people have jobs
c) Whether the people have freedom
d) Whether the poorest are supported
7) Brahma is a Hindu deity who is responsible for ___________
a) The creation of the world
b) The maintenance of the world
c) The destruction of the world
d) The rules of governing the world
8) One message of the poem “Brahma” is that ___________
a) Lovers of good deeds are dear to the god
b) Lovers with sincere love are dear to the god
c) Selfless devotees of the good are dear to the god
d) Non-devotees of the evil are dear to the god
9) The garden of Gethsemane is famous because __________ here.
a) Jesus Christ gave advice to his disciples
b) Jesus Christ got knowledge under a tree
c) Jesus Christ took his last supper
d) Jesus Christ said his last prayer
10) Today the moon is merely an attraction for ____________
a) The poets b) The children c) The lovers d) The scientists
11) The gentleman would not drink ____________ tea without your company.
a) my b) her c) our d) his
12) He is the __________ person for us.
a) Valuabler b) More valuable
c) Valuablest d) Most valuable
13) He went to the tailor to ___________ his trousers which was a bit too long.
a) altar b) alter c) alert d) allot
14) The __________ refused to admit him in the science stream.
a) principle b) principal
c) prince d) princess
-3- SLR-M – 15
2. Answer any seven of the following questions in two or three sentences each : 14
1) What happened to the first V-2 Missile when it was first tested ?
2) Describe Vivekananda’s meeting with J. H. Wright. How did Wright help him
out ?
3) Why was Vivekananda not prepared for the weather condition in Chicago ?
4) What was the motivating slogan behind the American Civil War ?
5) Why does the author declare that human rights cannot function in a vacuum ?
6) What is the central theme of the poem “Brahma” ?
7) What does the end of the poem “Full Moon” suggest ?
8) What transition has taken pace in our approach to the moon ?
3. A) Write short answers on any two of the following : 8
1) How was Vivekananda’s speech at the Parliament of Religions different
from those of the other Speaker’s ? How did it create a magic on the
occasion ?
2) What kind of personality was Von Braun according to Dr. Kalam ?
3) What role do gods and religion have in the poem, in relation to Brahma ?
B) Answer any two of the following questions briefly : 6
1) What is a notice ?
2) What are the aspects of a good C.V. ?
3) What is CC and BCC ?
4. Write a suitable C.V. for the post of a lecturer in English. 14
You are the principal of the Arya College of Arts and Science, Lucknow. Prepare
an agenda for a meeting with the head of English department and the secretary
and the treasurer of the College’s literary association. The meeting has been
called to discuss the venue, date time.
5. Write an e-mail message : 14
You have to go to work on a mechanical project for your company in Bangalore.
Send an e-mail message to Rajdeep Travels (Address : [email protected]),
asking them to make travel arrangements for you to go Singapore by air and
return after a week specify airline you would prefer to travel by, the dates, the
class by which you want to travel, the mode of payment, the delivery instruction
and your food preferences in an attachment called ‘Travel details’.
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