Thursday, October 1, 2015

Solapur University Introduction to Biosciences 2015 Question Paper

Solapur University
B.Sc. – I (Semester – I) (C.G.P.A. Pattern) Examination, 2015
Introduction to Biosciences
Day and Date : Monday, 13-4-2015 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
 N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answer to the both Section are to be written in separate
answer book.
3) Draw neat labelled diagram wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(Plant Sciences)
1. Choose the correct answer from given alternatives : 5
1) Agar (Agar-agar) is obtained from marine algae ___________
a) Sargassum b) Ulva
c) Gracillaria d) Padina
2) _______________ is used as biofungicide.
a) Trichoderma b) Cercospora
c) Fusarium d) Aspergillus
3) Which of the following is a living mechanical tissue ?
a) Parenchyma b) Aerenchyma
c) Sclerenchyma d) Collenchyma
4) Conjoint collateral and closed vascular bundles are present in _________
a) dicot stem b) dicot root
c) monocot stem d) monocot root
5) _____________ is day neutral plant.
a) Nicotiana tobacum (tobacco) b) Glycine max (soyabean)
c) Oryza sativa (rice) d) Zea mays (maize)
SLR-M – 3 -2-
2. Answer any five of the following : 10
I) Write any five economic importance of algae.
II) Give any four objectives of plant taxonomy.
III) Write functions of parenchyma.
IV) Enlist types of aestivations.
V) What is parthenocarpy ?
VI) What is intrastelar secondary growth in dicot stem ?
VII) What is vernalization ?
3. A) Write short notes on any two of the following : 10
i) General characters of Gymnosperms.
ii) Simple fruits with suitable example.
iii) Practical applications of GA.
B) Answer any one of the following : 10
i) Write an account on development of male gametophyte with suitable diagram.
ii) What is photoperiodism ? Describe it with suitable examples.
(Animal Science)
1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternative : 5
1) Flat worms are ___________
a) Acoelomates b) Pseudocoelomates
c) Partial coelomates d) Eucoelomates
2) Polyps and medusoid phases are found in ____________
a) Coelenterata b) Platyhelminthes
c) Aschelminthes d) Annelida
3) To complete the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax only ___________ host is
a) one b) two
c) three d) four
-3- SLR-M – 3
4) Aristotles lantern is found in ___________ phylum.
a) Arthropoda b) Mollusca
c) Echinodermata d) Annelida
5) ___________ is the process of converting organic waste into vermi compost
by the action of earthworms.
a) Sericulture b) Vermiculture
c) Aquaculture d) Apiculture
2. Answer any five of the following : 10
i) Write parasitic adaptations in Fasciola hepatica.
ii) Give importance of honey.
iii) Give the general characters of class aves.
iv) Explain the term-Host parasitic interactions.
v) Write on the composition of silk.
vi) Give the economic importance of vermiculture.
vii) What is Agnatha ?
3. A) Answer the following (any 2) : 10
i) Describe the life cycle of Bombyx mori.
ii) Write note on maintenance of aquaculture.
iii) Describe the general characters of phylum protozoa. Enlist the classes of
it and give on example of each class.
B) Answer any one of the following : 10
i) Describe the life cycle of liver fluke with suitable diagram.
ii) Give an account on Apiculture.
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