University : Mahatma Gandhi University Question Papers
Course: B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester: 6, sixth, VI
Year of the question paper: May 2014
Subject Code: ME 010 603
Scheme of Question Paper: 2010 onwards
MG University
Sixth Semester
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
(New Scheme-2010 Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours Maximum:100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. Differentiate between Enthalpy and Internal energy.
2. What do you mean by super saturated flow ?
3. What is the need of inter-cooling in gas turbines ?
4. Define overall loss coefficient for a collector.
5. List the features of a coal burner.
(5*3=15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
6. What are boiler accessories ? Explain .
7. Derive an expression for work done in a steam turbine.
8. Discuss the losses during a combustion process. What is a stability loop ?
9. How will you quantify the useful heat gained by a fluid ?
10. Discuss the concept of draught and its types.
(5*5=25 marks)
Part C
Answer all questions.
Each full question carries 12 marks.
11. What is a Rankine cycle ? Draw its T-S and P-V diagrams. Modify it for wet, dry and superheated steam. Derive the expression for the performance of the plant.
12. A steam power station uses the following cycle: Steam at boiler outlet-150 bar
5500 C, Reheat at 40 bar to 5500 C, condenser at 0.1 bar. Using the Mollier chart and
assuming ideal processes . find the (a) quality at turbine exhaust, (b)cycle efficiency
,and (c) Steam rate.
13. Explain the working of a steam nozzle. What is the significance of mass flow rate ?
Derive the condition of throat pressure for maximum discharge.
14. Explain the velocity triangles , work generated and governing of a steam turbine.
What is the role of a steam turbine in a power plant.
15.In a gas turbine plant, working on the Brayton cycle with a regenerator of 75%
effectiveness, the air at the inlet to the compressor is at 0.1MPa,300 C , the pressure
ratio is 6 ,and the maximum cycle temperature is 9000 C. If the turbine and
compressor have each an efficiency of 80% , find the percentage increase in cycle
efficiency due to regeneration.
16. Discuss the different types of combustion chambers in gas turbines. Discuss the
concept of combustion intensity and combustion efficiency.
17. Discuss the focusing type solar collectors ,solar concentrators and solar receivers.
Discuss the principle and working with schematic diagrams.
18. Explain the optical losses ,thermal performance and power generation using solar
energy-based systems.
19.A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet
of 3600 C and an exhaust pressure of 0.08 bar. After is entropic expansion of steam in
the turbine , the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%.
Determine the greatest allowable steam pressure at the turbine inlet , and calculate the
Rankine cycle efficiency for these steam conditions. Estimate also the mean
temperature of heat addition.
20. Explain in detail , the layout and operation of diesel power plant.
(5 x 12=60 marks)
Course: B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Semester: 6, sixth, VI
Year of the question paper: May 2014
Subject Code: ME 010 603
Scheme of Question Paper: 2010 onwards
MG University
Sixth Semester
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
(New Scheme-2010 Admission onwards)
Time : Three Hours Maximum:100 Marks
Part A
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. Differentiate between Enthalpy and Internal energy.
2. What do you mean by super saturated flow ?
3. What is the need of inter-cooling in gas turbines ?
4. Define overall loss coefficient for a collector.
5. List the features of a coal burner.
(5*3=15 marks)
Part B
Answer all questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.
6. What are boiler accessories ? Explain .
7. Derive an expression for work done in a steam turbine.
8. Discuss the losses during a combustion process. What is a stability loop ?
9. How will you quantify the useful heat gained by a fluid ?
10. Discuss the concept of draught and its types.
(5*5=25 marks)
Part C
Answer all questions.
Each full question carries 12 marks.
11. What is a Rankine cycle ? Draw its T-S and P-V diagrams. Modify it for wet, dry and superheated steam. Derive the expression for the performance of the plant.
12. A steam power station uses the following cycle: Steam at boiler outlet-150 bar
5500 C, Reheat at 40 bar to 5500 C, condenser at 0.1 bar. Using the Mollier chart and
assuming ideal processes . find the (a) quality at turbine exhaust, (b)cycle efficiency
,and (c) Steam rate.
13. Explain the working of a steam nozzle. What is the significance of mass flow rate ?
Derive the condition of throat pressure for maximum discharge.
14. Explain the velocity triangles , work generated and governing of a steam turbine.
What is the role of a steam turbine in a power plant.
15.In a gas turbine plant, working on the Brayton cycle with a regenerator of 75%
effectiveness, the air at the inlet to the compressor is at 0.1MPa,300 C , the pressure
ratio is 6 ,and the maximum cycle temperature is 9000 C. If the turbine and
compressor have each an efficiency of 80% , find the percentage increase in cycle
efficiency due to regeneration.
16. Discuss the different types of combustion chambers in gas turbines. Discuss the
concept of combustion intensity and combustion efficiency.
17. Discuss the focusing type solar collectors ,solar concentrators and solar receivers.
Discuss the principle and working with schematic diagrams.
18. Explain the optical losses ,thermal performance and power generation using solar
energy-based systems.
19.A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet
of 3600 C and an exhaust pressure of 0.08 bar. After is entropic expansion of steam in
the turbine , the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 15%.
Determine the greatest allowable steam pressure at the turbine inlet , and calculate the
Rankine cycle efficiency for these steam conditions. Estimate also the mean
temperature of heat addition.
20. Explain in detail , the layout and operation of diesel power plant.
(5 x 12=60 marks)
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