Tuesday, October 6, 2015

TNOU UG-711 TTS-3 BA Second Year GEOGRAPHY OF TOURISM 2012 Question Paper

Tamil Nadu Open University Question Paper
Second Year
Tourism and Travel Studies
Time : 3 hours
Maximum marks : 75

PART A — (3 × 5 = 15 markѕ)
Answer any THREE questions in not exceeding 1 page each.

1. Bring out the significance of the position of India.
2. What are factors influencing the climate of India?
3. Write a short note on Mount Abu.
4. What are the uses of Wild life sanctuaries? How do they help tourism?
5. Briefly describe the importance of South Indian Rivers.

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 markѕ)
Answer any FOUR questions in essay type.

6. Describe in detail the physical features of India.
7. Give an account on the monsoons of India and its impact.
8. What is the significance of the Ports at Chennai and Vishakapatnam?
9. What do you mean by Aforestation? Explain it.
10. Why should we maintain National Parks? Give an account on any one of the Indian National Parks.
11. Write a brief account on the irrigation system and the river valley projects of our country.
12. Describe the different types of agriculture in India.

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