University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – I) Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
1. Explain the following terms (any four) : 16
a) Job enlargement
b) Organisation
c) Enterprise Resource Planning
d) Motivation
e) Financial Policies
f) Management.
2. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Distinguish between formal and informal organization.
b) Explain the process of Recruitment.
c) State the advantages of Decision Support System.
d) Determine the Information Requirements of a Personnel Manager in a
manufacturing industry.
e) Explain the role of internet in management of a business.
3. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Discuss the latest developments taking place in Hardware and Software.
b) State the various sources of information.
c) What do you mean by Weakness of Business Organization ?
d) Explain the concept of Customer Relationship Management.
e) Discuss the significance of management in an IT Sector.
4. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Explain the need of forecasting in planning.
b) Explain the steps in controlling.
c) Explain McGregor’s theory X and Y.
d) Explain the functions of middle level management.
e) State the advantages of management information system.
5. Write short notes (any four) : 16
a) Behavioural approach of information system
b) Mission statement
c) Types of plans
d) Unity of command
e) Expert system
f) Supply chain management.
M.C.A. (Commerce Faculty) (Semester – I) Examination, 2013
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
1. Explain the following terms (any four) : 16
a) Job enlargement
b) Organisation
c) Enterprise Resource Planning
d) Motivation
e) Financial Policies
f) Management.
2. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Distinguish between formal and informal organization.
b) Explain the process of Recruitment.
c) State the advantages of Decision Support System.
d) Determine the Information Requirements of a Personnel Manager in a
manufacturing industry.
e) Explain the role of internet in management of a business.
3. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Discuss the latest developments taking place in Hardware and Software.
b) State the various sources of information.
c) What do you mean by Weakness of Business Organization ?
d) Explain the concept of Customer Relationship Management.
e) Discuss the significance of management in an IT Sector.
4. Answer the following (any four) : 16
a) Explain the need of forecasting in planning.
b) Explain the steps in controlling.
c) Explain McGregor’s theory X and Y.
d) Explain the functions of middle level management.
e) State the advantages of management information system.
5. Write short notes (any four) : 16
a) Behavioural approach of information system
b) Mission statement
c) Types of plans
d) Unity of command
e) Expert system
f) Supply chain management.
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