University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - I) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) What is mean by Network Topology ? List and explain any four
Network Topology in short. [1+4=05]
(B) Explain Auto Text and Auto Correct Option in MS-Word. [03]
(C) Define and explain Query in MS-Access. [02]
Q.2) (A) Write a short note on Wild Card Character in MS-DOS. [03]
(B) Define Table and Records in DBMS. [02]
(C) Explain the following terms : (Any Five) [05]
(1) Search Engine
(2) Blog
(3) Dial up
(4) Broad Band
(5) Upload
(6) Browsers
(7) W.W.W.
Q.3) (A) Differentiate between Slide Transition and Slide Animation in
MS-Power Point. [04]
(B) Describe rules of giving a formula in MS-Excel with an example
to support your answer. [03]
(C) Explain the following terms : (Any Three) [03]
(1) Desk Top
(2) Wall Paper
(3) Icons
(4) File
(5) Folder
Q.4) (A) Discuss disadvantages of E-commerce. [02]
(B) Explain different types of Charts in MS-Excel. [03]
(C) Give the importance of Primary Key in MS-Access. [03]
(D) Give importance of Header and Footer in MS-Word. [02]
Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Importance of Internet in Hospitality Industry
(b) Featurs of Computer System
(c) Mail Merge
(d) Hyper Link
(e) LAN
(f) Software
(g) Features of DOS
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - I) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) What is mean by Network Topology ? List and explain any four
Network Topology in short. [1+4=05]
(B) Explain Auto Text and Auto Correct Option in MS-Word. [03]
(C) Define and explain Query in MS-Access. [02]
Q.2) (A) Write a short note on Wild Card Character in MS-DOS. [03]
(B) Define Table and Records in DBMS. [02]
(C) Explain the following terms : (Any Five) [05]
(1) Search Engine
(2) Blog
(3) Dial up
(4) Broad Band
(5) Upload
(6) Browsers
(7) W.W.W.
Q.3) (A) Differentiate between Slide Transition and Slide Animation in
MS-Power Point. [04]
(B) Describe rules of giving a formula in MS-Excel with an example
to support your answer. [03]
(C) Explain the following terms : (Any Three) [03]
(1) Desk Top
(2) Wall Paper
(3) Icons
(4) File
(5) Folder
Q.4) (A) Discuss disadvantages of E-commerce. [02]
(B) Explain different types of Charts in MS-Excel. [03]
(C) Give the importance of Primary Key in MS-Access. [03]
(D) Give importance of Header and Footer in MS-Word. [02]
Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Importance of Internet in Hospitality Industry
(b) Featurs of Computer System
(c) Mail Merge
(d) Hyper Link
(e) LAN
(f) Software
(g) Features of DOS
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