University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Answer any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) Explain briefly German Wine Laws. [04]
(B) Define Fortified Wine. Name and explain the system used for
Sherry Manufacturing. [06]
Q.2) Differentiate between : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Scotch Whisky and Irish Whiskey
(b) Pot Still and Patent Still
(c) Armagnac and Cognac
Q.3) In details explain ‘Methodé Champanoise’. [10]
Q.4) Explain the following terms : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Marc
(b) Silvovitz
(c) Bittees
(d) Pernod
(e) Arrack
(f) Pastis
Q.5) (A) Give the flavouring and country of origin for following liqueurs : [04]
(a) Cointreau
(b) Benedictine
(c) Tia Maria
(d) Drambuie
(B) Write a short note on Cigar Storage. [02]
(C) Explain the following : [04]
(a) Chaptalisation
(b) Apertif
(c) Racking
(d) Noble rot
Q.6) (A) List two International Brands for the following : [05]
(a) Tequila
(b) Whisky
(c) Brandy
(d) Gin
(e) Vodka
(B) Name the Vine growing regions of France. Mention the districts
under any one region. [
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2012
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Answer any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) (A) Explain briefly German Wine Laws. [04]
(B) Define Fortified Wine. Name and explain the system used for
Sherry Manufacturing. [06]
Q.2) Differentiate between : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Scotch Whisky and Irish Whiskey
(b) Pot Still and Patent Still
(c) Armagnac and Cognac
Q.3) In details explain ‘Methodé Champanoise’. [10]
Q.4) Explain the following terms : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Marc
(b) Silvovitz
(c) Bittees
(d) Pernod
(e) Arrack
(f) Pastis
Q.5) (A) Give the flavouring and country of origin for following liqueurs : [04]
(a) Cointreau
(b) Benedictine
(c) Tia Maria
(d) Drambuie
(B) Write a short note on Cigar Storage. [02]
(C) Explain the following : [04]
(a) Chaptalisation
(b) Apertif
(c) Racking
(d) Noble rot
Q.6) (A) List two International Brands for the following : [05]
(a) Tequila
(b) Whisky
(c) Brandy
(d) Gin
(e) Vodka
(B) Name the Vine growing regions of France. Mention the districts
under any one region. [
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